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One major problem with using participant observation is the potential for bias or subjectivity to influence the data collected. Researchers may unintentionally shape their observations based on their own beliefs or preconceptions, leading to skewed results. Additionally, researchers may struggle with issues related to gaining access to the group being studied or experiencing ethical dilemmas in maintaining their role as both participant and observer.

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Q: What is the major problem with using participant observation as a research tool?
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What are the four major types of psychological research?

The four major types of psychological research are experimental research, correlational research, descriptive research, and qualitative research. Experimental research involves manipulating variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships. Correlational research examines the relationship between variables without manipulating them. Descriptive research aims to describe behaviors or characteristics. Qualitative research explores individuals' experiences and perceptions in depth.

What is the major subdivision of a APA style report called?

The major subdivision of an APA style report is called a section. Sections typically include an introduction, method, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section serves a specific purpose in presenting and organizing the research study.

What are the four major goals of psychological research?

The four major goals of psychological research are description (observing and recording behavior), explanation (identifying reasons for behavior), prediction (determining under what conditions behavior will occur), and control (applying findings to influence behavior).

What is a BA in psych?

A BA in Psychology is a Bachelor of Arts degree that focuses on the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It typically covers areas such as research methods, psychological theories, and applications in various settings like clinical psychology, counseling, and organizational psychology. This degree can prepare students for careers in fields such as mental health, research, human resources, and education.

What is the major issue in psychology?

One major issue in psychology is the reproducibility crisis, where many studies cannot be replicated by other researchers, casting doubt on the validity of findings. This has led to concerns about the reliability of psychological research and the need for more robust methodologies.

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World War 1 the answer is the spanish American war is good ok.

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