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answer= ATTENTION!

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That is known as selective attention, where an individual consciously concentrates on specific stimuli while ignoring others. It allows for enhanced processing of relevant information and filtering out distractions.

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Q: What is the focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events defines?
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Perception below the threshold of conscious perception is called?

Subliminal perception refers to the detection of stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. These stimuli may influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without individuals being consciously aware of them.

When does sensation occur?

Sensation occurs when sensory receptors detect and respond to stimuli from the environment. This information is then transmitted to the brain to be interpreted and create a conscious awareness of the stimuli. Sensation allows us to experience the world around us through our senses like touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing.

If you adopt the perspective you will reject an emphasis on what goes on in peoples minds in favor of focusing on measurable behaviors that can be objectively measured?

Adopting a behaviorist perspective means prioritizing observable behaviors over internal mental processes. This approach emphasizes studying how external stimuli shape actions and responses, rather than interpreting thoughts and emotions that are not directly observable. By focusing on quantifiable behaviors, behaviorism seeks to empirically measure and predict human behavior based on observable stimuli and responses.

What is Perception that is below the threshold of conscious perception?

Subliminal perception refers to the processing of stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. These stimuli can influence behavior and cognition despite not being consciously perceived. Research suggests that subliminal messages can impact attitudes and preferences, although the extent of this influence is still debated.

What affects the conscious mind?

Various factors can affect the conscious mind, such as emotions, thoughts, beliefs, past experiences, external stimuli, and cognitive biases. These influences can shape our perceptions, decision-making, and awareness of our surroundings. Meditation, therapy, and mindfulness practices can help in understanding and managing these influences.

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The awareness of internal and external stimuli defines?

Internal stimuli is unconscious stimuli that occurs without conscious thought. External stimuli occurs from outside sources that procur conscious thought.

What is the conscious awareness of stimuli received by sensory receptors called?

The conscious awareness of stimuli received by sensory receptors is called perception. It is the process by which the brain interprets and organizes sensory information to make sense of the world around us.

How does sensation affect the five senses?

Sensation can be described as the awareness of stimuli via the senses. If there is an inability to sense the stimuli, there will be no sensation.

Conscious or subconscious awareness of internal or external stimuli?

This is called sensation.

What is a state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli?

A state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli is known as stupor. This may be as a result of brain injury or psychological interference.

Which stage involves focusing on certain stimuli while ignoring others?

The stage that involves focusing on certain stimuli while ignoring others is known as selective attention. This cognitive process allows individuals to concentrate on specific information and filter out irrelevant distractions in order to effectively process and respond to the stimuli of interest.

What Limits attention to certain stimuli and filtering out other stimuli is called?

Selective attention is the process of intentionally focusing on specific stimuli while filtering out others. This helps individuals allocate mental resources to important information and ignore distractions.

What is sansation?

Sansation The operation or function of the senses, perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses. To read more, check the link.

Perception below the threshold of conscious perception is called?

Subliminal perception refers to the detection of stimuli below the threshold of conscious awareness. These stimuli may influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without individuals being consciously aware of them.

Why is it that the brian prioritize the importance of incoming stimuli?

The brain prioritizes incoming stimuli based on factors like novelty, intensity, relevance to survival, and emotional content. This prioritization helps the brain efficiently process information by focusing on what is most important or threatening in a given moment.

What is the state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli?

A state of impaired consciousness marked by a lack of response is known as being unconscious.

What are Feldenkrais exercises?

Feldenkrais exercises are meant to work on the realtionship of your mind and your body. This is said to increase your conscious awareness, helping you react mentally to physical stimuli.