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The abstract noun for anger is "anger." It represents the emotion or feeling of being upset, mad, or irate.

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Q: What is the abstract noun of anger?
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Is anger a common noun and an abstract noun?

The noun 'anger' is a common, abstract noun.The noun 'anger' is a common noun as a general word for a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.The noun 'anger' is an abstract noun as a word for an emotion.

Is anger an abstract noun?

Yes, the word 'anger' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.The related abstract noun for the adjective angry is angriness.

What is another abstract noun for anger?

An abstract noun related to the abstract noun 'anger' is angriness.

What kind of noun is anger?

It is an abstract noun.

Is anger an abstract noun or a concrete noun?

The noun anger is an abstract noun. You may see an angry face, but that's a face; you may hear the angry voice, but that's the voice. The anger is what the person feels inside.

What is the noun word for anger?

The word 'anger' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an emotion, a thing.

What is the abstract noun for angry?

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Is sausage a abstract noun?

A sausage is not a abstract noun because an abstract noun is something you cannot see but feel for example anger, happiness, which makes a sausage a concrete noun.

Is heat abstract noun?

The noun 'heat' is an abstract noun as a word for intensity of feeling, especially of anger or excitement.The noun 'heat' is a concrete noun as a word for a measurable temperature.

What are some examples of abstract nouns in a sentense?

An Abstract noun is a noun that you can't use your 5 senses on. Examples: Beauty, anger, faith, courage Example in a sentence: Though she did not want her anger show, it did.

Is indignation an abstract noun?

Yes, "indignation" is an abstract noun. It represents a feeling of anger and annoyance at something considered unfair or unjust.

What is the abstract noun of pardon?

The abstract noun of pardon is "forgiveness." It refers to the act of letting go of any resentment or anger towards someone who has wronged you.