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Sagging during mental slavery refers to a phenomenon where individuals internalize harmful beliefs or narratives that contribute to their own oppression, limiting their self-expression and autonomy. This can lead to a sense of powerlessness and conformity to oppressive systems, perpetuating cycles of marginalization and subjugation. Addressing mental slavery involves challenging these ingrained patterns of thinking and advocating for empowerment and liberation.

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Q: What is sagging during mental slavery?
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What type of brain waves patterns is used during intense mental activity?

During intense mental activity, the brain typically produces beta waves. These are fast brain waves associated with focus, alertness, and higher cognitive functions. Beta waves are commonly observed during problem-solving, decision-making, and other high-level mental tasks.

What is a series of mental and emotional image of occurring during sleep?

A series of mental and emotional images occurring during sleep is known as a dream. Dreams can be vivid, abstract, emotional, or have a variety of themes and content. They often reflect our thoughts, feelings, and experiences from both the past and present.

Why did Louis Riel go to a mental asylum?

Louis Riel was committed to a mental asylum due to his increasingly erratic behavior and delusional beliefs, which led to concerns about his mental health. These issues were likely exacerbated by the stress and trauma he experienced during his leadership of the Red River and North-West Rebellions in Canada.

What is an impression of physical and mental participation present during the actual performance of task or activity.?

Flow state is the impression of physical and mental participation present during the actual performance of a task or activity. It is characterized by complete absorption, focus, and enjoyment in the present moment, where individuals are fully immersed and energized by the experience.

What life like for the mentally disabled during the 1930s?

During the 1930s, many mentally disabled individuals faced stigma, discrimination, and institutionalization. They often received inadequate care and lacked opportunities for education, work, and social inclusion. Society's views on mental disability were limited, and there was a lack of understanding and support for individuals with mental disabilities.

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Where did sagging come from?

Sagging came from prison.Prisinors aren't allowed to have belts so they cant commit suicide or use it as a weapon during fights it also tells other prisoners that he is homosexual.

Where did sagging originate?

Sagging pants? US prisons.

What does emancipate yourself from mental slavery mean?

Establish a new sense to self.

Did sagging pants start in slavery days?

No, it is modern and started in the prison systems here in the US. The lower the pants means that the person wearing them is "open for companionship" from another prisoner.

When was Flabby Sagging Flesh created?

Flabby Sagging Flesh was created in 1995.

What medical procedures are recommended for sagging breasts?

For sagging breasts is recommended breast lift surgery or so called mastopexy. This is cosmetic correction procedure developed for sagging breasts. Usually it uses tissue from breast and fat to correct sagging skin.

What is a dark cloud shaped like sagging pouches that often appear after a tornado called?

These sagging pouches are likely a type of cloud known as mammatus. Such clouds are not necessarily associated with tornadoes, but are a feature of thunderstorms. They are generally more common during severe storms.

How do you write a sentence with the word pro slavery in it?

Examples: If you are pro slavery, then you like slavery. The Confederacy was pro slavery during the civil war.

What is sagging breast?

Mastoptosis is the medical term for sagging breast.

Is your breasts sagging a sign of pregnancy?

no it is not youre breast sagging means you have not been wearing braws

What was the role of slavery during the age of exploration?

the role of slavery during the age of exploration was to hav the africans manage the sugar plantations

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