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the reflected in filipinos personality are honest,helping,respectful,and industrious

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Filipinos are known for their strong sense of family ties, hospitality, and resilience. Family is at the center of Filipino culture, with close-knit relationships and support networks. Hospitality is deeply ingrained, as shown in the warm welcome and generosity extended to visitors. Resilience is seen in the ability to bounce back from adversity and face challenges with a positive attitude.

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Q: What is prevailing values reflected in Filipinos personality?
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What is the equivalent of personality and culture in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, personality is similar to "pakikisama" which refers to harmonious relationships with others. Culture is akin to "kapwa" which emphasizes the interconnectedness and shared identity of Filipinos. Both concepts play a significant role in shaping social interactions and values in Filipino society.

What is the meaning of Filipinization of Personality Theory?

Filipinization of Personality Theory refers to the adaptation of Western psychological theories to better fit the cultural context of the Philippines. It involves incorporating indigenous Filipino beliefs, practices, and values into psychological frameworks in order to better understand and address the psychological needs of Filipinos. This approach aims to promote cultural sensitivity and relevance in the field of psychology in the Philippines.

Do values influence personality formation?

Yes, values play a significant role in shaping personality formation by influencing an individual's beliefs, behaviors, and decision-making processes. Values act as guiding principles that help individuals navigate the world and determine what is important to them, ultimately impacting their attitudes, priorities, and sense of identity.

What are the 6 component of personality?

components of personality -habits -attitudes -interests -values

How do values affect your personality?

Values are deeply held beliefs that guide one's behavior and decision-making. They play a significant role in shaping personality by influencing attitudes, priorities, and reactions to various situations. Individuals whose values align with their actions tend to exhibit greater consistency, integrity, and authenticity in their personalities.

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Basic values of filipinos?

Filipinos are strong in their values. They are hospital, friendly, helpful, warm, cheerful, obedient. These values are stronger in older people than the young generation.

What are the Filipino personality and values?

Filipinos are known to be hospitable, family-oriented, and resilient. They value strong family ties, respect for elders, and the concept of "pakikisama" or getting along with others. Additionally, they exhibit a positive outlook on life despite facing various challenges.

Which Filipinos values pose obstacles to your value formation?

filipino time values

What is the equivalent of personality and culture in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, personality is similar to "pakikisama" which refers to harmonious relationships with others. Culture is akin to "kapwa" which emphasizes the interconnectedness and shared identity of Filipinos. Both concepts play a significant role in shaping social interactions and values in Filipino society.

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Filipinos and Chinese have similar values what makes you think so?


What is the diffirence of management style between filipino and Japanese?

Japanese values the time more than the Filipinos but Filipinos are more compassionate than the Japanese do.