abashed, aghast, alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, aroused, cowardly, cowed, daunted, discouraged, disheartened, dismayed, distressed, disturbed, faint-hearted, frightened, frozen, have cold feet, horrified, in awe, intimidated, nervous, panic-stricken, perplexed, perturbed, petrified, rattled, run scared, scared, scared stiff, scared to death, shocked, spooked, startled, stunned, suspicious, terrified, terror-stricken, timid, timorous, trembling, upset, worried
averse, backward, disinclined, hesitant, indisposed, loath, reluctant, sorry, unhappy, unwilling, afraid, agape, agog, alarmed, amazed, anxious, appalled, astonished, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dismayed, dumbfounded, frightened, Horror-struck, overwhelmed, shocked, startled, stunned, terrified, thunderstruck afraid, aghast, antsy, apprehensive, basket case, bugged, butterflies, careful, choked, clutched, concerned, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, dreading, fearful, fidgety, fretful, hacked, hyper, in a state, in a tizzy, in suspense, jittery, jumpy, nervous, nervy, overwrought, restless, scared, shaking, shaky, shivery, shook up, shot to pieces, solicitous, spooked, strung out, sweating bullets, taut, troubled, uneasy, unglued, unquiet, uptight, watchful, wired, worried sick, wreck
The term for feeling anxious or scared is known as "anxiety." Anxiety is a psychological and physiological response to stress or perceived threats, characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and unease. It can manifest in various forms, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or specific phobias. Treatment options for anxiety may include therapy, medication, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes.
The opposite word for nervous is calm because nervous means that you are slightly scared of something which means that if you are not scared even a little then you are calmed. Therefore, the opposite word for nervous is calm.
No, "nervous" is not an adverb. It is an adjective that describes a state of feeling anxious or worried. An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
Synonym: noun: A word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word. Antonym: noun: A word that means the opposite of another word. Scared: fearful, frightened, afraid, terrified, petrified, nervous, startled, alarmed, worried, anxious, timid, timorous.
worried, troubled, bothered, disturbed
Worry or worried
scared and worried terrifying, shocking, alarming, startling, horrifying, menacing, fearful
Afraid is a synonym for scared. It begins with the letter a.
I don't know if "scared" is the right word. She was probably worried about what was going to happen to her as well as about what was going to happen to Luke, Han, and Chewie. But she wasn't scared in the sense of being frightened.
Scared is just another word for frightened. Here are some sentences.I'm scared that I will get a bad grade on this homework.She is scared of dogs.That spooky old house scared the children.He is scared to speak in public.
I don't think she was that scared actually