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It is also known as exposure therapy

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Exposure therapy.

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Q: What is another name for desensitization?
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The anagram is desensitization.

What to do with the desensitization kit on virtual family?

This desensitization kit will remove a DISLIKE from a character. ie: they hate to work.... lol ... it takes it away :)

What is exposure therapy also called?

Exposure therapy is also known as systematic desensitization or exposure and response prevention (ERP).

What name is given to the process in which cells respond to over - stimulation by becoming less sensitive to the stimulus?

Desensitization is the name given to this process where cells, such as nerve cells or hormone receptors, become less responsive to a particular stimulus due to prolonged or excessive exposure. This downregulation helps maintain cellular balance and prevent overstimulation.

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What two conditions systematic desensitization should be used?

Phobias and Anxiety

The basic learning principle used in Wolpe's systematic desensitization?


How is desensitization represented in the hunger games?

In the first book, Katniss explains how the process of killing the other children is just like shooting an animal- showing desensitization. However, afterwards, Katniss feels incredible guilt. Desensitaztion is represented by making the humans equal to animals.

The two behavior-therapy methods of flooding and systematic desensitization are based on the principle of what?

Flooding and systematic desensitization are both based on the principle of extinction. Flooding involves exposing an individual to their fear at full intensity until the fear response diminishes, while systematic desensitization involves gradually exposing the individual to their fear in a controlled manner to reduce anxiety.

Which type of therapy is likely to be used to help someone with a phobia about spiders?


What is the fear of bunnies called?

Leporiphobia.Almost all phobias can be overcome by desensitization therapy. You can do this.