An example of an analogy in The Outsiders is when Ponyboy compares Dally to a "wild animal" that has been backed into a corner. This analogy highlights Dally's unpredictable and dangerous nature when he feels threatened or trapped.
An analogy for paranoid suspicions could be a person constantly checking their surroundings for hidden cameras, even though there is no evidence to suggest they are being watched.
The "analogy of influence" suggests that people are like sponges, soaking up ideas and behaviors from their surroundings. Just as a sponge absorbs water, individuals can be influenced by the attitudes and actions of those around them. This analogy highlights the power of social interactions in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors.
An analogy for perception insensitivity could be someone wearing sunglasses in a dark room - their ability to perceive the environment accurately is limited due to the sunglasses blocking out important visual cues.
Ponyboy's comparison of Johnny to a puppy is a good analogy because it conveys Johnny's innocence, loyalty, and vulnerability. Like a puppy, Johnny is eager to please, loyal to his friends, and often overlooked or underestimated by others due to his quiet and submissive nature. The analogy helps to highlight Johnny's endearing qualities and evoke empathy from the reader.
Awareness and ignorance.
An example to category Analogy is when the pair of words name an example of a category and the category itself. Example: Beagle is to dog as Tulip is to flower.
An analogy is something that is similar or comparable. An example of an analogy of obedient would be a horse, since horses are perceived to be obedient animals.
An association analogy is a type of analogy where the relationship between two words or phrases is based on a relationship between two other words or phrases. For example, "doctor is to stethoscope as chef is to spatula" - in this analogy, the first item is known for using or having the second item in common.
Analogy means to compare two things that are similar. For example, an analogy for heart would be a pump. This is because they are similar and do the same thing.
An analogy
An example of an analogy essay is "The Similarities of God and Air". More examples are available at the official website of Luzerne County Community College.
His face crumpled like paper.