Learner, pupil, scholar.
The synonym for psyche is mind or soul.
The synonym for "survey" is typically "poll," "questionnaire," or "study."
synonym for self-concept
Learner, pupil, scholar.
A synonym for "prefect" is "supervisor" or "overseer." In a school context, a prefect is a student monitor or leader who helps maintain discipline and order among their peers. Prefects are typically appointed to assist teachers and staff in overseeing student behavior and activities.
In schools, a pupil is a student. In your eyes, there is no synonym. (See attached link of eye anatomy.)
The opposite of instructor would be "student" or pupil (one who is instructed).
apostles, followers, students, supporters, pupils, devotees, adherents
What is synonym for merchant? What is synonym for merchant?
An analogy for the word "chide" would be scolding a child for misbehaving, similar to a teacher correcting a student for not following the rules.
What is the synonym government.
you are a synonym of abandoned.
no it is not a synonym