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Qualitative observations involve descriptions that cannot be measured with numbers, such as colors, textures, and smells. Quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data, providing specific quantities or amounts.

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Q: What is a qualitative and quantitive observations?
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What is the difference between quantitive and qualitive observations?

Quantitative observations are observations that can be precisely measured. Qualitative observations, meanwhile, are subjective observations that are based on the characteristics of what is being observed.

What is the qualitative and quantitive observations of an object if the sides measure 4cm and the mass is 5kg?

Qualitative observations would include the color, texture, and shape of the object, while quantitative observations would be the dimensions (4cm sides) and mass (5kg).

Is country of residence qualitative or quantitive?

It is qualitative.

What is a qualitiative observation?

A qualitative observation refers to information gathered using the senses, such as sight, smell, or touch. It is a descriptive and subjective observation that does not involve numerical data or measurements. Qualitative observations are often used in fields such as biology, sociology, and psychology to provide a detailed understanding of a phenomenon.

What is the difference between quantitative or qualitative design?

quantitive means amount, qualitative means quality or the integrity

How do quantitative observations differ from qualitative observations?

quatitative observations have to do with QUANTITY and qualitative observations have to do with QUALITY.

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Numerical data is quantitative research

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Is the helicopter fell quickly a qualitative or quantitive?

"The helicopter fell quickly" is an example of a qualitative observation. This is because it does not define "quickly" by giving it a fixed value.

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Is a bar graph used for qualitative or quantitative data?

It can be used for either, but it is most commonly used for quantitive.

Which approach do you think should be relied on more heavily for strategy formulation quantitive or qualitative?

The quantitative approach