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Gender identity is influenced by a combination of biological, social, and environmental factors. This includes genetic makeup, hormone levels, upbringing, societal expectations, and personal experiences. There is no singular factor that determines a person's gender identity, as it is a complex interplay of various influences.

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Q: What has the greatest impact on how people obtain their gender identity?
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How does thirst affect behavior?

Thirst can lead to increased motivation to seek water, which can influence behavior such as drinking more water, prioritizing finding water sources, and potentially engaging in more risk-taking behaviors to obtain water when dehydrated. Thirst can also impact cognitive function and mood, leading to changes in decision-making and emotional regulation.

Are there any certifications or licenses needed for a psyciatrist?

Yes, psychiatrists typically need to obtain a medical degree, complete a psychiatry residency program, and obtain a medical license to practice. Some may also choose to become board certified by passing the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology exam.

Sigmund Freud Where did he study and what degree did he obtain in the medical field?

Sigmund Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna and obtained a medical degree in 1881.

How long does it takes to obtain psychology masters?

A master's degree in psychology typically takes about 2-3 years to complete, but this can vary depending on the program's requirements, your course load, and if you choose to pursue it full-time or part-time. Additionally, some programs may offer accelerated options or allow students to finish at their own pace.

Are doctors clever?

Yes, doctors are usually considered to be intelligent individuals. They undergo extensive training and education to obtain their medical degree, and they must possess critical thinking skills to diagnose and treat patients effectively.

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