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When you imprint with someone, it feels like the imprintee is your gravity and she/he is the only thing holding you down to earth. Actually, it is very much like love at first sight but very different. You protect the imprintee with all your heart and will even wait for the imprintee to feel the same way. A imprint is very hard to break so imprintee's, dont break his/her heart.

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10mo ago

Imprinting is a term commonly used in psychology to describe a strong, long-lasting bond formed between a person and another individual, often occurring during a critical period in early development. It can influence emotional and social behaviors, leading to a deep connection with the imprinted individual.

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What is the difference between a social and physical imprint?

A social imprint refers to the impact that experiences and interactions with others have on an individual's behavior and beliefs, while a physical imprint refers to the marks or impressions left on an object or surface due to contact or pressure.

Feel one thing but say another?

This typically happens when someone is being insincere or deceptive. It could be due to not wanting to hurt someone's feelings, avoiding conflict, or trying to manipulate a situation for personal gain. It's important to be honest and authentic in communication to maintain trust and healthy relationships.

What happens when you suddenly start missing someone without any reason?

Feeling sudden and unexplained longing for someone may be a sign that you are craving connection or companionship. It's common to miss people when we are feeling lonely or nostalgic. Taking time to reflect on these feelings can help you understand the root cause and find ways to address them.

What happens if someone got smack behind the head will they become dumb?

Getting smacked behind the head does not necessarily make someone dumb. However, a hard enough blow to the head could potentially cause a concussion, leading to symptoms like confusion or impaired cognitive function. It's important to seek medical attention if there are any concerns about head injuries.

Why would a girl put her hand down your pants at school?

It is inappropriate for someone to touch you inappropriately without your consent. If this happens, it is important to speak up and seek help from a trusted adult or authority figure.

Related questions

Can you brake an imprint bond?

you cant brake an imprint because when someone imprints on someone it's there forever

Do werewolves have soul mates?

Yes. They can or they can just imprint on someone

In breaking dawn it says Jacob imprints on Bella's and edward daughter .How do you imprint on someone?

In reality, you cannot 'imprint on someone'. Imprinting was a fictional thing created by Ms Meyer to enhance the story. So, unless you magically transport yourself into the book, no, you cannot imprint.

What happens once eggs have hatched naturally?

The chicks imprint upon their mother, and she raises them.

Would you accept a Twilight wolf's imprint?

Yes, because it would be someone I could get along with.

What are the feelings that werewolves have towards the person they imprint on?

When werewolves imprint on someone, they feel an intense, deep connection and sense of devotion towards that person. This often results in strong feelings of love, protection, and loyalty. Werewolves will prioritize the well-being and happiness of their imprint above all else.

Where can one order bags with custom logos?

Someone can order bags with custom logos from a number of companies such as 4 Imprint. The company 4 Imprint provides custom logo design and printing on bags.

Is Bella going out with Jacob Black?

NO they never date. but Jacob does imprint on someone, not going to ruin the books for you.

What happens if a werewolf imprint does not love them back?

The person who the werewolf imprints on will love them back because they are meant for each other.

The process of imprinting involves the process of what?

it involes love and whe n that happens they look into each others eyes and its an imprint.

Who is Taylor Lautner going out with at the moment?

You guys are gonna love this. Taylor Lautner is gay. He happens to be going out with Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Cullen). And guess what? In the movie, he is NOT going to imprint on Bella/Edward's baby, Renesmee, he is going to imprint on Jasper! Isn't this heartbreaking? (He isn't totally for sure going to imprint on Jasper in front of all that audience)

In twilight what does imprint mean?

It is when a werewolf falls head over heels in love with someone. It is were they would wait forever for that person.