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4mo ago

Having mixed emotions is a normal human experience where you may feel conflicting feelings at the same time. It can be confusing but it's entirely possible to hold different emotions simultaneously and it doesn't necessarily mean you have to choose one over the other. Acknowledging and exploring these mixed emotions can lead to better understanding of yourself and your feelings.

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What are mixed emotions?

Mixed emotions refer to experiencing more than one feeling at the same time, such as feeling happy and sad simultaneously, or feeling excited and nervous. It can be a complex emotional state where conflicting or contrasting emotions are present, making it difficult to pinpoint one specific feeling.

Why do boys and girls get mixed emotions during puberty?

During puberty, hormones cause significant physical and emotional changes. These hormonal fluctuations can lead to a range of emotions as teenagers navigate new experiences and feelings. Additionally, societal expectations and pressure to conform to gender norms can also contribute to mixed emotions during this time.

Why does mey ex gf show you mixed emotions?

Your ex girlfriend may be showing mixed emotions because she is unsure about her feelings towards you or is struggling to process the breakup. It is common for people to experience conflicting emotions after a relationship ends, and it may take time for her to sort through her feelings and come to a resolution. Give her space to work through her emotions and consider having an open and honest conversation about how you both feel.

What would it mean when a girl has mixed emotions?

When a girl has mixed emotions, it means that she is experiencing conflicting feelings about a situation, person, or decision. It can be challenging to understand and navigate these emotions, and she may need support or time to process them. Communication and empathy are important in such situations.

Why do you cry when you laugh?

Crying while laughing is called "emotional incontinence." It happens because both laughing and crying are controlled by the limbic system in the brain, which can sometimes lead to a mixed response when we are overwhelmed with emotions.

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What is the difference between mixed emotions and ambivalent emotions?

Mixed emotions involve feeling two or more different emotions at the same time, such as happiness and sadness. Ambivalent emotions refer to having conflicting feelings about a single situation or person, like feeling both love and hatred towards someone.

What are the release dates for Hotel - 1983 Mixed Emotions 5-2?

Hotel - 1983 Mixed Emotions 5-2 was released on: USA: 10 October 1987

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How did Americans respond to John Brown's and raid?

With mixed emotions

Having mixed emotions while driving could be?


What is an facial expression?

faical expressions are feelings of emotions. they are what people say mixed emotions. not all facial expressions are universal.

What are the ratings and certificates for Mork and Mindy - 1978 Mork's Mixed Emotions 1-19?

Mork and Mindy - 1978 Mork's Mixed Emotions 1-19 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:G

What are the release dates for Mork and Mindy - 1978 Mork's Mixed Emotions 1-19?

Mork and Mindy - 1978 Mork's Mixed Emotions 1-19 was released on: USA: 22 February 1979