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Intimate and sexual are typically confused to be the same or similar thing. Intimate is actually a word that describes an action between you and one or more other people that may not have anything to do with a sexual encounter. You can be intimate with your sister because you can share you most personal thoughts or ideas with her. Being intimate with your sister does NOT mean you are sexual with her despite common misconceptions. Now if you say someone is "sexually intimate" with someone, then this puts me in mind of a more sentimental sexual experience rather than a hollow experience.

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Being intimately sexually typically refers to engaging in sexual activities with a deep emotional and physical connection to a partner. It goes beyond physical pleasure and involves sharing vulnerability, trust, and a sense of closeness during sexual interactions.

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What is the scientific term for people who are sexually attracted to firearms?

The scientific term for being sexually attracted to firearms is "agalmatophilia," which is a type of objectophilia where individuals develop a sexual attraction to inanimate objects.

What does ssc mean sexually?

"SSC" stands for Safe, Sane, and Consensual, which are principles that guide safe and healthy sexual practices. It emphasizes the importance of all parties involved giving informed consent, engaging in sexual activities that are mentally and physically safe, and ensuring that everyone's well-being is a priority.

What does secksy mean?

"Secksy" is a slang term derived from the word "sexy." It is used informally to describe someone or something that is attractive, alluring, or sexually appealing.

What does Freud's term gynaecophilic mean?

Gynaecophilic refers to a person who is attracted to women or finds women sexually appealing, according to Freud's theory of psychoanalysis.

If a guy is mean to you does it mean he likes you?

Sometimes, if he is being mean a lot he does if he isn't mean to you that often then maybe he's just a mean person, that is what my mom and my grandmother taught me to believe. If a guy is mean to you that generally means, that he just doesn't like you. In high school, the boys that do like you will show there affection for you in different ways. One being that, they are very sweet. The other, they act like a brother to you and the last being, they are just themselves around you. So to answer your question completley, no not always.

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Politely, it is "vous". Intimately, it is "tu".

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Genophobia is the fear of sex

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Being a lesbian means to be a female who is solely attracted to other females emotionally, physically and sexually.

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That you are a very bad, sick individual :P

What does it mean if you dream of a dr. telling you that you are pregnant?

If the dreamer is sexually active, a pregnancy test would be wise. Dreams are intimately linked with the body's hormones and pregnancy hormones in particular. If the test is negative or if the dreamer is not sexually active, the "pregnancy" probably represents some significant development in the dreamer's life; something that cares responsibility and that is important to her.

When does it mean when pea plants are described as being true-breeding?

It means they were produce a sexually and werent cloned.

What part of speech is intimately?

Intimately is an adverb because it fears to how you do something, for example, "I know her intimately."

How do you use the word intimately in a sentence?

i am intimately involved with my boyfriend.

How can you tell if someone is not sexually active?

You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.