Let them think what they want. It is not our job to try to change other people.
You could call them "arrogant" or "overbearing."
Someone who constantly thinks and reflects on various topics can be described as contemplative or introspective.
A person who thinks nasty things could be described as pessimistic, cynical, or having a negative mindset.
If someone is from Beirut you call him or her Lebanese, since Beirut is the capital of Lebanon.Actually the proper response to his query would be this:You call someone from Beirut a 'Beiruti', the same way you may call someone from New York a New Yorker etc......
You could call them a trigger or a source of envy.
Someone who thinks that being a hipster is to mainstream can be referred to as a jazz-maniac.
that's a hypochondriac.
A self-centered person or egocentric individual is someone who thinks the world revolves around them.
You could call them "arrogant" or "overbearing."
A know-it-all!
That was a terrible question, because you call someone who thinks they are ill all the time a hypercondriac. So as in Jeopardy, "What do you call someone who is constantly under the impression that they are ill?" Answer: "What is an a hypercondriac?" That is correct!
they are usually called hypochondriac or suffering from Munchhausen syndrome
thoughtfulintellectualpensivesmart or shrewdcurious or inquisitive.I think first three are best thou