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Decision-making is influenced by a combination of cognitive factors (such as past experiences, personal values, and emotions), environmental factors (such as social influences and available information), and biological factors (such as brain processes and genetics). Ultimately, decisions are a complex interplay of these factors, leading individuals to choose a particular course of action based on their unique circumstances and perspectives.

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Q: What causes us to make desisions?
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How does time help us make sense of the world?

make you happy and being lucky that you have a life to go on and each minute counts for you and for all of us

How do you make an effective cause-and-effect organizer you must?

To create an effective cause-and-effect organizer, start by identifying the main event or issue you are exploring. Then, list the causes that led to this event on one side of the organizer and the effects that resulted from it on the other side. You can use bullet points or arrows to connect the causes and effects for a clear visual representation. Make sure to focus on the most important and relevant causes and effects to make the organizer concise and impactful.

How does sensation and perception make life easier?

Sensation allows us to detect stimuli from the environment, such as seeing, hearing, and feeling. Perception helps to interpret and make sense of these stimuli, enabling us to understand the world around us. Together, sensation and perception help us navigate our surroundings, make decisions, and interact with others, which ultimately makes life easier and more manageable.

Where did Sigmund Freud make his only appearance in the US?

Clark University

When you find something funny what causes us to laugh?

Laughing is a complex response triggered by a variety of factors, including recognition of incongruity, surprise, relief of tension, and social bonding. Humor often involves unexpected or illogical elements that our brain finds amusing, leading to a physical response of laughter as a way to release built-up tension and express enjoyment.

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because they wanted to be a part of the governments desisions

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Acting your age, being responsable, making right desisions, ect.

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he has magical aura that causes any team he is on to lose

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the simularities were: they both supported the bisqua party they had the same purpose (to separate families) help the governor make desisions control as subs if the governor was out of town

How do you make deciscion under stress?

What you do is you take a breath and close your eyes and think of any desisions you would consider and you take the options take a deep breath with eyes still closed and think which would be best for me.

What causes us to stop hearing?

Wax in the ears is the most common cause, which make you stop from hearing.

What is the risks of ethanol?

Too much ethanol causes one to make grammar mistakes, as you so kindly showed for us.

What causes us to forget?

there are many ways in which will make us forget things example: 1.doing something in a hurry 2.when you are suffering from amnesia(loss of memory)