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During prenatal development, social characteristics include interactions between the developing fetus and its external environment, such as maternal stress levels impacting the baby's development. Additionally, social factors like maternal nutrition, access to healthcare, and exposure to harmful substances can influence the fetus's social environment. Social support and caregiving during pregnancy can also positively impact both the mother's and baby's well-being.

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Q: What are the social characteristics of prenatal development?
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When does prenatal development begin?

Prenatal development begins at the moment of conception when a sperm fertilizes an egg to form a zygote. This zygote then undergoes rapid cell division and differentiation, eventually developing into a fetus.

Agents that have a negative effect on prenatal development are called?

Agents that have a negative effect on prenatal development are called teratogens. These can include drugs, alcohol, certain medications, infections, and environmental pollutants that can interfere with the normal development of the fetus.

What factors affect prenatal development?

Factors that can affect prenatal development include the mother's health, nutrition, exposure to harmful substances (such as drugs and alcohol), genetics, and stress levels. Additionally, environmental factors like pollution and infections can also impact the development of the fetus.

What are the factors that affect social development in adulthood?

Factors that affect social development in adulthood include life experiences, relationships, cultural influences, and societal norms. Additionally, personal characteristics such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness play a significant role in shaping social development in adulthood. External factors such as work environment and social support networks can also impact social development in adulthood.

What prenatal stage of development in humans is the most rapid?

The embryonic stage, which lasts from fertilization until around 8 weeks, is the most rapid period of prenatal development in humans. This is when the major organs and systems of the body begin to form.

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During which stage of prenatal development does the fetal period of development occur?

The fetal period of development occurs during the third stage of prenatal development, which is the fetal stage.

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During which stage of prenatal development does the fetal period occur?

The fetal period occurs during the third stage of prenatal development.

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Aliza Kolker has written: 'Prenatal testing' -- subject- s -: Genetic counseling, Prenatal diagnosis, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Genetic counseling, Psychological aspects of Prenatal diagnosis, Social aspects, Social aspects of Genetic counseling, Social aspects of Prenatal diagnosis

What is the prenatal development begins at this point called?

First Stage: The first two weeks after conception are known as the Germinal stage. Second Stage: The next six weeks of development are known as the Embryonic stage. Third Stage: The remainder of prenatal development is known as the Fetal stage.

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What is the relationship between geography and social development?

In development geography, geographers study spatial patterns in development. They try to find by what characteristics they can measure development by looking at economic, political and social factors. They seek to understand both the geographical causes and consequences of varying development.

What are the effects of Mothers Emotional state on the Prenatal Development?


What last 7 months of prenatal development?

The fetal period.

What is the last 7 months of prenatal development called?
