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infant, childhood, adoltance, and adultood

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Bria Cummings

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2y ago
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13y ago
  1. IdentificationTypes
  2. Human growth is caused by cellular division. According to Doctor Paul Kaplowitz, chief of the Division of Endicronology at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, "children grow larger because the cells throughout their body enlarge and then divide to form two cells. Then each of those cells enlarges and divides again." This cell growth is stimulated by human growth hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone stimulates increase in height, distribution of body fat and development of bones and muscles. Infancy and Childhood
  3. There are two types of human growth stages: physical and mental. Physical growth stages describe changes in body mass and bone development. A growth chart, for example, is a model of physical growth. During transition periods, changes in feeding and sleeping patterns are usually noticed. Mental growth and development is studied primarily by psychologists. Physical stages of human growth will always be accompanied by linguistic, emotional and social developments, and in order to truly understand the growth process, both of these are taken into account. Puberty and Adolescence
  4. Human growth stages generally follow a pattern that corresponds with the subject's age. Erik Erikson, a psychologist who lived and worked throughout the twentieth century, outlined eight stages of human development.

    The first stage is infancy, lasting from birth to eighteen months. During this stage, the baby develops rapidly from a completely dependent and helpless newborn to a (usually) walking and relatively autonomous toddler. In terms of physical development, this stage witnesses the most growth. The endocrine system in particular goes from barely functioning in the newborn, to being complete and active in the eighteen-month-old.

    During the second stage, called Early Childhood (eighteen months to three years), witnesses significant changes in linguistic development. While the average 18-month -old can only say a handful of words, a three-year-old can form sentences.

    The third stage, called Play Age (three to five years) involves further linguistic development, and by age five the average child knows about 2,000 words.

    The School Age child (six to twelve years) continues to rapidly increase in height and weight, and at this age the strongest influences on the child change from the parents and immediate family to outside peer groups.

  5. Puberty and adolescence usually last from ages 12-18. The teenager will go through some important biological changes (such as the menstrual cycle and breast development for girls, and voice deepening and increased body hair for males). Hormones are crucial at this stage, and the increased presence of estrogen and testosterone can result in behavioral changes.
  6. Once the body has gone through puberty, no significant cell growth occurs.Both women and men experience a decrease in estrogen and testosterone (respectively), and women usually enter menopause around the age of fifty. Erikson designates the three stages of adulthood as Young Adulthood (eighteen to thirty-five), Middle Adulthood (35-55 or 65), and Late Adulthood (55/65 to death).
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8mo ago
  1. Infancy: This stage ranges from birth to 2 years old, marked by rapid physical and cognitive development.
  2. Childhood: Covers ages 2 to 12, characterized by further cognitive and social development, as well as refining fine and gross motor skills.
  3. Adolescence: Spans ages 12 to 18, a period of significant emotional, social, and physical changes as individuals move towards independence and identity formation.
  4. Adulthood: Divided into early (18-40 years), middle (40-65 years), and late (65+ years) stages, with each period bringing unique milestones and challenges in terms of work, relationships, and overall well-being.
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15y ago

Erickson's psychosocial stages:-






Early adulthood

Middle adulthood

Old Age


Freud's psychosocial stages:-






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11y ago

1. prenatal




5.adulthood years

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Q: What are four stages of human development?
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What are four stages of development that comes after childhood?

Adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood are the four stages of development that come after childhood.

Who were the Swiss psychologists who developed a four-stage model of the development of reasoning skills?

Jean Piaget and Barbel Inhelder were the Swiss psychologists who developed a four-stage model of the development of reasoning skills, known as Piaget's stages of cognitive development. The four stages are sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.

What can you say about the stages of human development?

Human development can be broadly categorized into stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Each stage is characterized by physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. These stages help to understand the typical patterns of growth and change that occur throughout a person's lifespan.

What are the four stage of human development?

The four stages of human development are infancy (0-2 years old), childhood (2-12 years old), adolescence (12-18 years old), and adulthood (18 years old and older). These stages are characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as individuals grow and mature.

What are the stages of grouth and development?

The stages of growth and development typically include infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Each stage is characterized by specific physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that individuals experience as they progress through life. These stages help to understand and track the typical patterns of human development.

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What are the four stages of development of history?

The four stages of historical development are typically described as preliterate societies, ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, and the modern period. These stages reflect broad categories of human social development and major shifts in political, economic, and cultural systems over time.

What are four stages of development that comes after childhood?

Adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood are the four stages of development that come after childhood.

How many stages of Human development are there?

There are typically 8 stages of human development according to psychologist Erik Erikson, spanning from infancy to old age.

What are the different stages of human stages?

The different stages of human development are -{1} Infant {2} child hood {3} young {4} old age.

What are four stages of human life?

The four stages of life are-infant, childhood, adolescence, adulthood. Hope this helps :)

Which item is not one of the four stages of task priority development?


What are the four stages of the of mosquito development?

The four stages of mosquito development are egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, where they hatch into larvae that feed and grow. The larvae then develop into pupae, which eventually emerge as adult mosquitoes.

What are aspect of development?

There are several theories of human development. Freud felt that the human went through distinct stages of mental and emotional development. Erik Erikson's human development theory is one of the most popular models.

What are the four stages of california's political development?

Unification, modernization, welfare, and abundance.

What are the four stages of development in complete metamorphis?

egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult

What are the principle of human development?

The four principles of human development are social, cognitive, emotional, and physical.

The four major stages of the development of the biography genre through history include all but what?

the internet era and the "blogosphere." The four major stages of the development of the biography genre through history include the social model of development, the biological model of intellectual development, the elaboration of the logical model of intellectual development and the study of figurative thought. Jean Paiget observed, tested and created a theoretical research program about the stages of development.