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She was an egocentric woman, as she never thought of anyone but herself.

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8mo ago

Her egocentric behavior always made it seem like the world revolved around her.

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Q: Use the word egocentric in a sentence?
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How can you use the word egocentric in a sentence?

He was so egocentric, he acted like there was no one else who could contribute to the project.

What is a sentence for the word egocentric?

He is so mean. He is also very egocentric person.

Sentence with the word egocentric in it?

Sociopaths are egocentric by nature, because they lack the capacity to truly care about other people.One potential sign that a person is egocentric is if they use the words "I" and "me" very frequently.Most egocentric people don't realize that they are egocentric, or just don't care, but he was actually proud of it.

What is a sentence using the word egocentric?

He's an egocentric person who cannot consider issues from another person's point of view. She's completely egocentric an oblivious to the needs of others. As a part of normal development, infants and young children are very egocentric.

How do you use egocentric in a sentence?

Egocentric means self absorbed. An egocentricperson sees everthing in relation to himself, not everyone around him/her."George lived in his own little egocentric universe, never caring for others who passed though his life."

A sentence using egocentric?

He was brash, had poor manners, and was egocentric. She thought she was the center of the universe, and her egocentric attitude rubbed people the wrong way.

What does ego mean in the word egocentric?

In the word egocentric, "ego" refers to an individual's sense of self or identity. Being egocentric means being focused on oneself and having a tendency to see things only from one's own perspective.

What is a 10 letter word in psychology that starts with E'?


What is it called when you think everyone thinks the same way as you Not egocentric a nicer word?

Egocentric would not be applicable here in any case. You may be thinking of the word "like-minded" or one of its synonyms.

What is the greek definition for egocentric?

The equivalent word in greek is εγωκεντρικός (eghokendreekos).

What is the synonym of nercissist?

The synonyms of the word narcissist are egocentric, egotist and egomaniac.

What is a word that means to only be concerned with yourself?
