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4mo ago

The process of receiving and representing stimulus energies by the nervous system is called sensory transduction. This is where sensory receptors convert physical or chemical stimulus energy into electrical signals that can be transmitted and processed by the brain.

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Q: The process of receiving and representing stimulus energies by the nervous system is called?
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What is sensation in psychology?

Sensation is defined as the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment.

The detection and encoding of stimulus energies by the nervous system is called?

Sensation. This process involves the sensory organs detecting stimuli from the environment and converting them into neural signals that can be processed by the brain.

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The nervous system works with the endocrine system to create a response to a stimulus. The nervous system detects the stimulus and sends signals to the endocrine system, which releases hormones that help regulate the body's response to the stimulus. Together, these systems coordinate a response to the stimulus.

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The nervous system sends signals to the proper areas of the body in response to a stimulus. Sensory receptors detect the stimulus and send the information as electrical impulses through neurons to the brain, which then processes the information and coordinates a response.

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In very general terms the functions are Sensation via the afferent fibres and Control (of movements) via the efferent fibres.

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The detection and encoding of stimulus energies by the nervous system is called sensation. Principles first recognized by Gestalt psychologists indicating that the brain imposes order on incoming stimuli are called perceptual grouping rules.

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Fundamentally the system involved in a reaction to a stimuli is the nervous system.

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