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if u wanna love a girl as she is cute,lovely etccc...... is called attraction if u wanna love a girl as u find her intrsting is called love.

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4mo ago
  1. What factors contribute to attraction between boys and girls?
  2. How do hormonal changes influence attraction in teenagers?
  3. Is there a difference in how boys and girls perceive physical attraction?
  4. How do cultural norms and societal expectations influence attraction between boys and girls?
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What are the differences in behaviours between boys and girls?

There may be general tendencies, but behaviors are influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and individual differences. On average, boys may be more active and physical, while girls may be more verbal and social. However, it's important to remember that these are broad generalizations and there is significant overlap in behavior between boys and girls.

Are girl smarter them boys or boys or smarter then girls?

There is no significant difference in intelligence between girls and boys. Intelligence is individual and not determined by gender. It is important to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of each person, regardless of gender.

Why are girls shorter than boys?

Differences in height between boys and girls are primarily due to genetic factors. Boys tend to have a growth spurt during puberty that results in them being taller on average than girls. Additionally, hormonal differences between boys and girls can also impact overall growth and height.

Why do boys start to stare at girls then ignore them?

Boys may stare at girls out of curiosity, attraction, or to get their attention. When they start to ignore them, it could be due to shyness, lack of confidence, or not knowing how to approach or engage with the girls. It's important to remember that everyone has different ways of expressing interest or feelings.

Are emo girls hot?

Attraction is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is important to appreciate and respect people for who they are, regardless of their style or appearance.

Related questions

Was there a difference between Mayan boys and girls?

The same difference between boys and girls everywhere.

Do Indian girls find western boys more attractive than Indian boys?

Usually Indian girls prefer Indian boys. This is because Indian girls have a strong attraction to culture. Only Indian boys know the Indian cultures and traditions.

What are the gender distinctions between boys and girls?

boys have a penis and girls have vagina's :)

What is the deference between girls and boys?

Boys have a Penis. Girls have a Vagina and Boobs.

Do American and English boys like Irish girls?

Attraction does not normally stop at national borders.

What are the different skill levels between boys and girls?

there isn't a difference between boys and girls except there body parts cause most girls play just as good as boys

What is the difference in weight between a girls basketball and a boys basketball?

The difference between them is a girls basketball is not as heavy as a boys basketball!

What the differemce between girls and boys friendships?

Girls talk and analyse things, where boys do nothing!

Is there a difference between girls and boys curfews?

the answer is girls because they tend to go to the boys parties.

Is the person answering these questions a boy or girl?

Boys, girls, men and women all answer questions here.

What is the difference between boys and girls softball?

In boys softball they use a bigger ball than the girls =)

What is the difference between girls and boys school blazers?

Boys have a tail at the back whereas girls don't.