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Yes, the nouns 'sadness' and 'happiness' are abstract nouns, words for emotions.

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5mo ago

Yes, sadness and happiness are considered abstract nouns because they represent emotions or states of mind that cannot be physically touched or seen. These feelings are subjective and personal experiences that exist in the mind.

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Q: Is sadness and happiness abstract noun?
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Is the word SADNESS an abstract nooun?

Yes, sadness = abstract noun.

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Happiness Is A Thing.

What type is Happiness noun?

happiness is an abstract noun

Is sadness an abstract noun?

No, the word 'sad' is not a noun, the word sad is an adjective that describes a noun; a sad day, a sad story.The noun form for the adjective sad is sadness, an abstract noun.

What is an is an abstract noun for happy?

The abstract noun for 'happy' is 'happiness' :)

What kind of noun would happiness be?

Happiness is a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for an emotion.

What noun is happiness?

The noun happiness is a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for an emotion.

What is an abstract noun for the word sad?

The abstract noun form for the adjective sad is sadness.The word sadness refers to the intangible state of unhappiness or depression.

What type of noun is happiness?

Happiness is an abstract noun. It represents a feeling or emotion rather than a physical object.

Is feeling an abstract noun?

It can be, or it can be a non-physical characteristic, or behavior, or process, or belief. All "feelings" (emotions) are abstract nouns because they cannot be directly seen: Happiness, joy, sadness, regret, worry, enthusiasm, and hope are all abstract nouns.