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Genetic and biological risk factors can predispose individuals to aggression or impulsivity, which may contribute to antisocial behavior. Environmental factors such as childhood trauma, dysfunctional family dynamics, and lack of social support can exacerbate these genetic predispositions, increasing the likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior. However, supportive environments, access to resources, and positive role models can mitigate the impact of genetic and biological risk factors, reducing the likelihood of persistent criminality in life-long offenders.

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Q: How might genetic and biological risk factors (nature) be exacerbated or mitigated by environmental influences (nurture) particularly for life-long offenders?
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What are the two aspects of human behavior?

The two aspects of human behavior are nature (biological or genetic influences) and nurture (environmental or upbringing influences). Nature refers to traits that are inherited, while nurture includes the social, cultural, and environmental factors that shape behavior.

Is siegler nature or nurture?

Siegler's theory emphasizes the importance of both nature and nurture in development. He highlights how biological factors, such as genetics, interact with environmental influences, such as experiences and opportunities, to shape cognitive development.

Arguments as to whether psychological differences between men and women result from biological or social influences most clearly involve a debate over the issue of?

nature versus nurture. Nature refers to biological factors such as genetics and hormones, while nurture encompasses environmental and social influences. The debate centers on the relative importance of these factors in shaping psychological differences between men and women.

Where you can get your behavior from the environment or from the heredity?

Behavior can be influenced by both the environment and heredity. Environmental factors such as upbringing, social interactions, and experiences can shape behavior. Meanwhile, heredity plays a role through genetics and biological predispositions that can impact behavior tendencies. Ultimately, behavior is a complex interplay between genetic and environmental influences.

What best summaries the relative importance of nurture in our development?

Nurture plays a significant role in shaping our development by providing experiences and environmental influences that impact our growth and behavior. These influences can include social interactions, learning opportunities, and cultural norms that shape our personalities and beliefs. However, nature (genetics) also plays a crucial role in determining our biological and psychological traits.

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The biological school views deviant behavior as the product of environmental forces?

This statement is incorrect. The biological school of thought attributes deviant behavior to biological factors such as genetics, brain chemistry, or evolutionary influences, rather than environmental forces.

What are the two aspects of human behavior?

The two aspects of human behavior are nature (biological or genetic influences) and nurture (environmental or upbringing influences). Nature refers to traits that are inherited, while nurture includes the social, cultural, and environmental factors that shape behavior.

Relative importance of biological inheritance and environmental factors in human development?

Both biological inheritance and environmental factors play significant roles in human development. While biological inheritance determines traits like eye color and height, environmental factors such as upbringing, education, and experiences shape personality, behavior, and cognitive abilities. The interaction between nature and nurture is complex and influences different aspects of development in unique ways.

What is the definition of Biological perspective?

The biological perspective in psychology emphasizes the role of genetics, biology, and physiological factors in influencing behavior and mental processes. It focuses on how brain structures, neurotransmitters, and genetics impact our thoughts, feelings, and actions. The perspective considers how biological factors interact with environmental influences to shape human behavior.

What are the 3 Main levels of analysis in Psychlogy?

The three main levels of analysis in psychology are biological, psychological, and environmental. Biological factors refer to genetics and brain chemistry, psychological factors involve thoughts and emotions, and environmental factors encompass social influences and life experiences. These levels are interconnected and contribute to understanding human behavior and mental processes.

Are there environmental factors or influences for down syndrome?


Is siegler nature or nurture?

Siegler's theory emphasizes the importance of both nature and nurture in development. He highlights how biological factors, such as genetics, interact with environmental influences, such as experiences and opportunities, to shape cognitive development.

What are the critique of biological?

Critiques of biological determinism include the oversimplification of complex behaviors and traits, the potential for reinforcing stereotypes and discrimination, and the dismissal of environmental influences on human development and behavior. It can also lead to fatalistic attitudes by suggesting that individuals have no control over their lives.

What is biological disposition?

Biological disposition refers to an individual's genetic and physiological makeup that influences their behavior, emotions, and responses to stimuli. It can impact an individual's susceptibility to certain illnesses, mental health conditions, and tendencies towards specific traits or behaviors. Biological disposition is determined by a combination of genetic inheritance and environmental factors.

Arguments as to whether psychological differences between men and women result from biological or social influences most clearly involve a debate over the issue of?

nature versus nurture. Nature refers to biological factors such as genetics and hormones, while nurture encompasses environmental and social influences. The debate centers on the relative importance of these factors in shaping psychological differences between men and women.

What are the influences on your health?

There are genetic influences, environmental influences, behavioral influences, and events unforeseen. The biggest influence on your health is your attitude. If you make choices that maximize good influences and minimizes the negative influences, the better odds will be that you will stay healthy.

What influences body rhythms and interacts with the biological clock?

Pineal body (gland)