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it makes them feel like they have to commit to something they don't necessarily want to commit to, so it can result in:

-shame, because they gave into the peer pressure in the first place (which is not their fault but most people after giving into peer pressure kick themselves for it)

-it can often make them feel stranded, obviously depending on what they've been pressured into, but in many cases people that have been peer pressured into something feel that the thing they've been peer pressured into is weighing them down from doing anything else at all/doing anything effectively

-people who have been peer pressured into something are often terrified that they may lose friends over, either going against what they really think or feel, or because they feel guilty for what they were pressured into

overall peer pressure affects the way a person feels about themselves.

Answer2: There is strong pressures from one's age group to try and influence them how to act in life. There is peer pressure to use drugs, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, engage in bullying and sexual immorality and the list goes on and on. Peer pressure is in high school and all schools and age groups. Adults want to be accepted by their peers too. No one-young or old-it does not feel good to be rejected. No one likes to be made fun of for being different and not giving in to peer pressure. If we allow ourselves to just give in to pressure to fit in, we could drastically affect our own future. When we lack confidence, feeling unsure of ourselves, peer pressure can be very hard to resist, but it can be done. Peer pressure can cause some to become discouraged, sad, depressed and even suicidal. Each us us could do well to prepare ourselves and our children ahead of time for when peer pressure comes. At times, people might be tempted to conform to their peers' standards just to avoid their disapproval, but that would be a mistake. When you cave in to peer pressure, you become like a mindless robot because you allow other people to control you. Why let them have that kind of power?-Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold." (Romans 12:2, The New Testament in Modern English) Think about your identity. Ask yourself, 'What kind of person do I want to be?' Then think about the pressure you are facing and ask, 'What would that kind of person do in this situation?'-Bible principle: 2 Corinthians 13:5. Think beyond the present. If you are in school, in a few years-or even months-the very people you are trying to impress may not even be in your life.

How you feel about yourself has a huge impact on how you deal with peer pressure. If you have self-confidence, you don't care what others think about you-and peer pressure suddenly becomes unimportant."

Use positive pressure, make your close friends those who think like you. When peers/friends try to get you to use drugs, smoke and do stupid things, get new friends. For instance, if a schoolmate dares you to accept a cigarette from him, you could say, "No thanks" and then add, "I thought you were too smart to smoke!" Do you see how the pressure is returned? Rather than your having to explain why you do not smoke, your peer is compelled to think about why he does. What if you must face a situation head-on? Suppose a peer asks in disbelief, "Are you still a virgin?" In reply to the question about being a virgin, you might simply say, "Yes I am," or, "That's really a personal matter."

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Peer pressure can influence a person to engage in behaviors they may not feel comfortable with or believe in to gain acceptance and approval from a group. It can lead to individuals making decisions that they wouldn't have made otherwise, potentially resulting in negative consequences. However, not all peer pressure is negative, as it can also push individuals to strive for personal growth or positive behavior changes.

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Are teenagers the only ones vulnerable to peer pressure?

No, teenagers are not the only ones vulnerable to peer pressure. There is workplace peer pressure (at the place of employment.) There is peer pressure between the elderly and those younger than themselves (mainly relatives.) Peer pressure will always be a part of almost everyones life and each time the peer pressure must be weighed to see if it is worth telling anyone about or just let it go by the wayside. Some peer pressure can be good for another person who has lack of self esteem, but wilfully harming another person with peer pressure is wrong.

What are the different kinds of peer pressure?

Peer pressure can take on different forms such as direct pressure, indirect pressure (like influencing behaviors through actions or comments), individual pressure (when a person feels the need to conform to a group), and self-imposed pressure (setting personal standards based on what one perceives to be expected by peers).

Who is affected by peer peer pressure?

Peer pressure can affect anyone, but it is most commonly associated with teenagers and younger individuals who are influenced by their peers to conform to certain behaviors or standards. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to peer pressure as they navigate the desire to fit in and be accepted by their social group.

What is a good research question on the topic peer pressure and conformity?

For peer pressure and conformity, a good question to ask might be "How are people affected by peer pressure?" or "How does the struggle to conform to societal standards change how a person acts?"

Which of these peer pressure techniques involves insulting a peer?

Using peer pressure by insulting or belittling a peer is known as coercion. It involves making the person feel inadequate or lesser for not conforming to the group's expectations. This can put pressure on the individual to comply in order to avoid further ridicule.

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Who influesces the person in peer pressure?

The people who are surrounding you with peer pressure, such as, friends, family or anyone.

Are teenagers the only ones vulnerable to peer pressure?

No, teenagers are not the only ones vulnerable to peer pressure. There is workplace peer pressure (at the place of employment.) There is peer pressure between the elderly and those younger than themselves (mainly relatives.) Peer pressure will always be a part of almost everyones life and each time the peer pressure must be weighed to see if it is worth telling anyone about or just let it go by the wayside. Some peer pressure can be good for another person who has lack of self esteem, but wilfully harming another person with peer pressure is wrong.

How does peer pressure affect body image and self esteem?

Engaging in negative habits as a result of peer pressure affect body image and self esteem. Activities such as drugs can contribute to this.

How does peer pressure affect your diet?

Peer pressure can affect someone's diet either negatively or positively. The person could feel like they must eat similar foods as their friends do or drink as they do. Also peer pressure in other areas can cause someone to stress eat.

How peer pressure effect to aneroxia?

It makes the person feel like they have to conform to be a certain size/image. They feel peer pressure usually from friends/peers (hencing peer pressure).

What could be the possible solutions to deal with the cheating caused by peer pressure?

Leave that person as that person is not mature enough to be in a relationship. If a person falls for peer pressure then they aren't that interested or in love with the person they are with

What are the types of pressure?

They're 5 Kinds of Peer Pressure These are it ~ Negative Peer Pressure , Positive Peer Pressure , Heavy Peer Pressure , Indirect Peer Pressure , and Friendly Peer Pressure

How does peer pressure come from inside of you?

Peer pressure is simply influencing others through your belief and who you are. And all these comes from within a person.

What are the negative effects of peer pressure?

The negative effects of peer pressure can include early use of substances and sexual experimentation before one is emotionally ready. Negative peer pressure can also effect self-esteem in harmful ways for the person trying to fit in.

What Communication is Involved With Peer Pressure?

The most common use of communication in peer pressure is: Talking to the person, and using the act of persuasion to get them to do something.

What are negative effects of peer pressure?

A negative example of peer pressure is like when your friends try to get you do drink, do drugs, or something else illegal or unsafe for your age. These example of negative peer pressure can affect a person in the way the person thinks about themselves, thinking that they need to please others, or especially they can get hurt.

What should you do if you get peer pressured?

Try your hardest to fight it. And stay away from the person who is giving you the peer pressure.