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You feel sorry for the idiot who never learned any better and will probably be miserable their whole life and die alone. Then you move on with your life

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5mo ago

Teasing can be hurtful depending on the context and the relationship between the individuals involved. It's important to communicate how you feel and set boundaries if you're uncomfortable with the teasing. People should always be respectful and mindful of others' feelings.

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How do you handle when someone teases you?

i always ignore the teasing and mind my work.

What bully means?

Someone who teases a seemingly weaker person to make themselves feel better. This can happen anywhere, from the school hallways to the internet.It can also happend anywhere else. Any one can be a bully.

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Tell them to shut their Pie-Hole. If you like someone, its only your business. Keep on liking the person because that is how you feel toward them. Follow your heart. Show them it dose not bother you and they would probably stop it .

Why a guy teases you?

They think they can get you to give in, to make them feel better. If they tease you, they KNOW they are pathetic and want to make themselves not pathetic.

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Emmett jokingly teases Bella by saying "Sex is the one thing that doesn't translate well from human to vampire."

What does it mean where people tease you?

usually when someone teases you it means they like you, but if its mean spirited in nature it just means they are a jerk

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i would choose who is right for me and qualities that you see in her o him!

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he would probably feel guilty

Why does a guy keep teasing you?

If someone teases you it may mean that he fancies you. If a guy teases you it usually means he wants to get your attention or see how you react. When he teases you, just smile at him. However, it doesn't always mean he likes you. It may be the opposite. I suppose it depends on whether the teasing is mean or not...

In Breaking Dawn why does Emmett tease Bella?

Emmett teases Bella all the time. He teases her about her sex life.

Have you ever feel in love with someone?

Yes i have feel in love with someone!!!

Why would a person always tease people even is it's hurtful?

They can't help it. Usually a bully teases and hurts someone because they have a bad life themselves.