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To answer an impression question, focus on sharing your initial thoughts or feelings about a certain topic or situation. Try to provide a brief and honest opinion or reaction based on your personal experience or observation without going into too much detail. Remember to keep your response concise and to the point.

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Q: How do you approach an impression question?
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How would you answer this question about impression?

Impression refers to the overall effect or impact that something makes on a person. It can include a person's initial thoughts, feelings, or opinions about something or someone based on their first encounter. Impressions are often formed quickly and can influence future perceptions.

How did their appearance shape your initial impression?

My initial impression was influenced by their neat appearance, confident demeanor, and warm smile.

An essay about First impression is the best impression?

First impressions are important as they often shape how others view and perceive us. Studies show that people tend to form their opinions within the first few seconds of meeting someone. Making a positive first impression can create a lasting impact and set the tone for future interactions. It is important to be mindful of our behavior, appearance, and communication skills to leave a favorable first impression on others.

How long does it take to change a first impression?

Changing a first impression can vary depending on the situation and the other person involved. With consistent positive interactions and genuine effort, it may take weeks to months to alter a negative first impression. However, some people may be more open-minded and able to change their impression more quickly.

What is the schoolteachers jerrys impression of the boys how does ponyboy attempt to alter that impression?

The schoolteacher, Jerry, initially has a negative impression of the boys based on their tough appearance and behavior. Ponyboy tries to alter this impression by showing Jerry that they are not all like the stereotypes he may have of them, through open communication and sharing his own thoughts and feelings. He tries to humanize themselves and break down stereotypes.

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