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Individuals who compromise their own ethics to obey authority in the Milgram Experiment can be held responsible for the treatment of another because they ultimately chose to follow orders that caused harm. Despite the pressure from authority figures, individuals have the free will to question and resist unethical commands. By choosing to prioritize authority over their own moral compass, they contribute to the mistreatment of others.

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Q: How Based on the results of the Milgram Experiment do you think that individuals who compromise their own ethics in order to obey authority are responsible for the treatment of another if the authorit?
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Who conducted an experiment on the effects of punishment on learning that was in reality a classic experiment on obedience?

Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment on obedience, not punishment. The study, known as the Milgram experiment, aimed to understand the extent to which individuals would obey authority figures, even to the point of administering potentially harmful electric shocks to others.

What are milgrams views on the two assumptions bearing his experiment?

Milgram believed that individuals are willing to obey authority figures even when it conflicts with their own moral beliefs. He also thought that ordinary people are capable of committing harmful actions when instructed to do so by an authority figure.

What connections between the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments?

Both the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments highlight the power of authority figures to influence individuals' behavior. In the My Lai Massacre, soldiers carried out horrific acts under the command of their superior officer. Similarly, in Milgram's experiments, participants obeyed authority figures and administered electric shocks to others, even when they believed it was wrong. Both cases illustrate the influence of authority on individuals' actions.

What is the Milgram experiment?

The Milgram experiment was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. The studies measured the willingness of individuals to obey authority figures who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. The results demonstrated the power of situational factors in influencing behavior.

What was the Stanford prison experiment showed that?

The Stanford prison experiment showed how situational factors, such as the role people are assigned, can greatly influence human behavior. It demonstrated the power of social roles and the potential for individuals to exhibit abusive behavior when placed in positions of authority. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of ethical considerations in psychological research.

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Who conducted an experiment on the effects of punishment on learning that was in reality a classic experiment on obedience?

Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment on obedience, not punishment. The study, known as the Milgram experiment, aimed to understand the extent to which individuals would obey authority figures, even to the point of administering potentially harmful electric shocks to others.

What is The theory of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

The theory of the Stanford Prison Experiment suggests that people's behavior can be significantly influenced by situational factors, such as being assigned a role of authority or submission. The study demonstrated how individuals in positions of power can abuse their authority when placed in a specific environment, highlighting the potential for role-playing to lead to extreme behavior.

What was the conclusion reached by Stanley Milgram in his teacher learner experiment?

Under orders, decent human beings will do anything. This experiment shows that people will obey authority figure even when there is no pre-existing relationship between the individual and the person of authority.

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What are milgrams views on the two assumptions bearing his experiment?

Milgram believed that individuals are willing to obey authority figures even when it conflicts with their own moral beliefs. He also thought that ordinary people are capable of committing harmful actions when instructed to do so by an authority figure.

What connections between the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments?

Both the My Lai Massacre and Milgram's experiments highlight the power of authority figures to influence individuals' behavior. In the My Lai Massacre, soldiers carried out horrific acts under the command of their superior officer. Similarly, in Milgram's experiments, participants obeyed authority figures and administered electric shocks to others, even when they believed it was wrong. Both cases illustrate the influence of authority on individuals' actions.

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What generalization is suggested by the Milgram experiment and the Stanford University prison experiment?

many people will uncritically follow the commands of those in authority.