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It depends on your point of view, some may think nothing, others will think everything;

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself.

Public Relations: more or less is: a field concerned with maintaining a public image of whatever the PR firm represents, a firm, etc.

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2mo ago

Public relations is the strategic management of communication between an organization and its stakeholders to build relationships and maintain a positive image. Propaganda, on the other hand, involves the dissemination of biased or misleading information to promote a particular ideology or agenda, often using manipulative techniques to influence public opinion. While public relations aims to establish trust and credibility, propaganda seeks to manipulate perceptions for a specific purpose.

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9y ago

A protest is a usually peaceful gathering of people who want to voice a complaint or grievance about something. Propaganda is the spread of ideas for a cause through media, and it is often untruthful, or at least exaggerated.

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9y ago

Public relations are a company backing a cause like children's hospitals and attaching it to their image. Propaganda would be creating a false sense of lack to make people want to buy your product.

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11y ago

There is no black and white dividing line between them.

Publicity is making facts known and giving an opinion on those facts. You then hope that people will accept these opinions as facts as well.

Propaganda is giving an opinion that distorts peoples view of the facts. The most obvious use of propoganda is to repeat a lie until people start to question whether it is a lie or not.

Both rely on making people believe opinions about facts are actually facts themselves.

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12y ago

Sometimes none, sometimes its in the eye of the reader.

Generally private sector organization engage in advertising, public relations and "spin". Basically propaganda aimed at getting the public to agree with their side or a issue. When a government engages in public relations sometimes it classified as propaganda. Sometimes it's a very grey area. In some cases governments have used false or exaggerated information to inflame a populace to support a war effort or build public sentiment for or against an issue.

For example.. some early 1940's films actually included "speeches" about the need for everyone to pull together to fight the Nazi menace, that's probably propaganda although some would call it pr.

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15y ago

In a word, truth. If what you're "spinning" has a solid basis in fact, you're doing PR. If not, it's propaganda. Plain and simple.

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11y ago

Propaganda has the objective of deceiving and/or manipulating the reader. News is expected to be unbiased for the purpose of informing the reader.

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Q: What is the difference between public relations a nd propaganda?
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What role does propaganda play in Public Relatoins?

Propaganda can be used in public relations to shape public opinion and influence perceptions of a company, political candidate, or organization. It involves the dissemination of biased or misleading information to sway public sentiment in a particular direction. However, ethical public relations practitioners aim to build relationships based on truth and transparency rather than using propaganda techniques to manipulate public perception.

Who was known as the father of Propaganda?

Edward Bernays, an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations, is often referred to as the father of propaganda. He wrote the book "Propaganda" in 1928, which explored the use of communication to shape public opinion and influence behaviors. Bernays is known for applying psychological principles to manipulate public perception for various clients and causes.

What is the difference between propaganda for advertising and propaganda used for political leveraging?

Propaganda for advertising is used to promote products or services to consumers, often by exaggerating their benefits. On the other hand, propaganda for political leveraging is used to manipulate public opinion or promote a specific agenda by distorting or manipulating information to sway political outcomes. While both types of propaganda aim to influence people, they serve different purposes and target different audiences.

What besides governments use propaganda to try to control or regulate your thinking?

Besides governments, organizations such as corporations, interest groups, and media outlets also use propaganda to influence public opinion and shape individuals' beliefs and behaviors. These entities may employ various tactics, including advertising, public relations campaigns, and social media manipulation, to shape narratives and control perceptions.

How do you use propaganda in a sentence?

Chairman Mao used propaganda to control everyone who lived in China.

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I think you mean to ask "what is the difference between public relations and employee relations?" In essence, there is not a difference. Employee relations is a specialty, a niche within public relations.

What is the difference between human relation to public relation?

I think you mean to ask "what is the difference between public relations and employee relations?" In essence, there is not a difference. Employee relations is a specialty, a niche within public relations.

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Public relations is the more powerful trying to get the public on their side. Lobbying is going to government directly and paying them to do things for you, bypassing the public altogether.

What is the difference between public and media relations?

The difference is that in public relations, they deal with more than just the media and will also deal with other groups like certain companies while media relations will specialize in dealing with the media.

Difference between public relation and public administration?

Public relations involves the spread of information between a company and the public. Public administration refers to government policies being implemented.

What role does propaganda play in Public Relatoins?

Propaganda can be used in public relations to shape public opinion and influence perceptions of a company, political candidate, or organization. It involves the dissemination of biased or misleading information to sway public sentiment in a particular direction. However, ethical public relations practitioners aim to build relationships based on truth and transparency rather than using propaganda techniques to manipulate public perception.

What is the difference between international relations and public relations?

Internal public relations deal with the press releases pertaining to individuals that work within a company. External public relations pertains to individuals that work outside of the company such as vendors, suppliers, service providers, and others.

Who was a Boston patriot who used propaganda and public relations to stir revoluionary fervor?

Thomas Paine

What is the difference between public relation and propaganda?

It depends on your point of view, some may think nothing, others will think everything;Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position so as to benefit oneself.Public Relations: more or less is: a field concerned with maintaining a public image of whatever the PR firm represents, a firm, etc.

What is the difference between human resource and public relations?

In major corporations, "human resources" deals with employees within the corporation and "public relations" are those that communicate for the corporation to those outside of it.

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Public Relations is wider than just a community relations. (FR)

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