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An educated guess is one based on some amount of information.

If you have no information you are guessing. If you have some information but not enough to know the answer, you can use the information you have to make an "educated guess." If you have enough information to know the answer then you aren't guessing at all. In the science field, some call a hypothesis an educated guess.

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Chanel Huels

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Jimmy Mueller

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βˆ™ 1y ago

An educated guess is one based on some amount of information.

If you have no information you are guessing. If you have some information but not enough to know the answer, you can use the information you have to make an "educated guess." If you have enough information to know the answer then you aren't guessing at all. In the science field, some call a hypothesis an educated guess.

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βˆ™ 4mo ago

An educational guess is an informed estimate or prediction made based on available knowledge, data, or evidence. It involves using critical thinking skills and expertise to make an educated assumption or hypothesis about a particular outcome or situation.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

An educated guess is one based on some amount of information.

If you have no information you are guessing. If you have some information but not enough to know the answer, you can use the information you have to make an "educated guess." If you have enough information to know the answer then you aren't guessing at all. In the science field, some call a hypothesis an educated guess.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

An educated guess is a guess based on evidence or knowledge you already have. The formal word for one is 'hypothesis'.

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Q: What is an educational guess?
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Definitions of Educational psychology by different psychologists?

According to William James, educational psychology is the science of the laws of mental development. John Dewey viewed educational psychology as the study of educative processes in relation to the development of the child. Jean Piaget described educational psychology as the study of how individuals acquire knowledge and develop cognitive abilities within an educational context.

Why The primary focus of educational psychology is to?

The primary focus of educational psychology is to study how people learn and develop in educational settings. This field explores factors that influence learning, including motivation, intelligence, effective teaching strategies, and student diversity. By understanding these factors, educational psychologists aim to improve educational practices and outcomes.

Who is the father of educational psycology?

William James is often credited as the father of educational psychology for his work in understanding the human mind and applying it to educational theories and practices. His book "The Principles of Psychology" was influential in shaping the field of educational psychology.

What are the similarities of educational expenditure and educational quality?

The similarity between educational expenditure and educational quality is that higher levels of expenditure tend to be associated with better educational quality due to increased resources, facilities, and opportunities for students. Additionally, both have a direct impact on student outcomes and success in terms of academic performance and skills development.

How much does educational psychologists make a year?

The salary of educational psychologists can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and employer. On average, educational psychologists in the United States earn between $60,000 to $90,000 per year.

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i have no idea but ima guess non

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it mean to make a hypothesis or to make an educational guess.

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if you really want to know follow me on instagram for the answer @im_your_girll

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