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Body language means your posture and movements while you're talking. Facial expressions are part of body language, as is muscle tension. Crossing your arms and leaning back would be a good body language meaning that the person is resistant to what they're hearing, for example.

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4mo ago

A good example of body language is maintaining eye contact during a conversation, as it shows attentiveness and engagement. Additionally, leaning in towards the person you are speaking to can convey interest and openness in the interaction. Crossing your arms can signal defensiveness or discomfort.

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13y ago

thumbs up, smile, wink, peace sign (duces).

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Q: What is a good example of body language?
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What is the difference between good body language and bad body language on a person?

Good body language includes standing tall, making eye contact, and smiling, conveying confidence and openness. Bad body language can include slouching, avoiding eye contact, and crossing arms, which can signal disinterest or defensiveness. Good body language can make a person appear more approachable and confident, while bad body language can lead to misunderstandings or negative impressions.

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Positive body language has a good impression on customers. It makes the customers believe you.

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An example of the use of kinesics is interpreting body language cues during a conversation to determine if someone is engaged, interested, or uncomfortable. By observing gestures, facial expressions, and other nonverbal signals, individuals can better understand the emotions and intentions of others in a social interaction.

How do you use body language in Australia?

Good day. That is what they say.

What is good body language?

good body language is when you can control yorself be able to walk straight without slugging and act the appropriate way and raping donkeys like Nathan mcneil

Can you use bad language and eat and use bad body language on the School Bus please?

You're not permitted to. Try to use G rated language and drink water and good body language.

What is positive and negative body language?

Positive body language is when a person is showing they are happy or comfortable, for example, leaning towards the person they are talking to/with or simply smiling Negative body language is shown when the person is uncomfortable or unhappy, for example, crossed arms, frowning, looking around the room aimlesly (bored).

What is good body language to have if you want a girl to notice you?

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What are the qualities of good anchor er?

Body language, knowing what they are talking about and good vocabulary i guess...

What is an example of pedantic language?

This quote is attributed to Winston Chruchill and is a good tongue-in-cheek example of pedantic language: Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.