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A person with no moral values is described technically as being amoral.


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It is difficult for any person raised in society to be amoral, to have no understanding of right or wrong as defined by societal rules. Animals are amoral because they are governed by instincts and not morality, but we are far more likely to encounter immoral people, who know right from wrong but choose to do wrong than amoral people, who are completely ignorant that what they are doing is viewed as wrong by society. A simple test to know the difference would be to see if the person tries to cover up or hide the misdeeds. If the person does, then you are dealing with someone who is immoral, what the law defines as displaying consciousness of guilt. An amoral person would do the misdeed in front of law enforcement, clergy, family, or anyone with no realization that anything is amiss. If the immoral person hides his crimes but suffers no guilt or pangs of conscience over the misdeeds, then we diagnose the person a psychopath or sociopath.

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4mo ago

A person with no conscience can be described as sociopathic or psychopathic, lacking empathy or remorse for their actions. They may exhibit antisocial behavior and disregard for the well-being of others.

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9y ago

A sociopath is a person who does not have a conscious.

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Is the conscience man made?

conscience is not man made it is phycoloical if it was man made animals wouldn't have it. if you are a good person you will have a good conscience and will be able to tell between wrong and right and its opposite if you are not.