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  • They seldom know you're around (they're needs are more important.)
  • They are so into themselves that they cease to notice you, care about your feelings or discuss how they can help you out in any way.
  • Often self-absorbed people can be care-free and seem as if they don't have a care in the world, yet the mooch money and other things off their friends (and seldom pay the money back or return whatever they borrowed.)
  • They seldom if ever introduce you to others they are around.
  • They seldom care about YOUR friends or family.
  • They will break dates without a care in the world and feel YOU are over-reacting.
These are but a few of the things with the self absorbed character traits.
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16y ago
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2mo ago

A self-centered person tends to prioritize their own needs, desires, and opinions above those of others. They may lack empathy and have difficulty considering others' feelings or perspectives. They often seek attention, validation, and recognition for themselves while disregarding the needs of others.

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10y ago

Self centered people tend to be very sad people. They cannot find within themselves the ability to love another person.

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