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Daryl Kemmer

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2y ago

conditioned stimulus

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4mo ago

The term used to indicate the dog's salivation in Pavlov's experiment was "unconditioned response." This refers to an automatic, unlearned reaction to a stimulus.

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9y ago

Neutral stimulus

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Q: In pavlov's experiment with dogs I'm which he demonstrates classical conditioning what term was used to indicate the dog's salivation when the meat powder was placed on it's tongue?
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Is salivation a conditioned stimulus?

Salivation is a natural response to the presence of food (unconditioned stimulus) and is not typically considered a conditioned stimulus. However, in a classical conditioning context, salivation can become a conditioned response if it is consistently paired with a neutral stimulus (like a bell) that initially elicits no salivation, but comes to do so after repeated pairings with the food.

Did John Watson study salivation in dogs in order to examine the concept of habituation?

Yes, John Watson studied salivation in dogs to examine the concept of habituation. In his famous experiment, Watson conditioned a fear response in a young boy known as "Little Albert" using a similar method to Pavlov's classical conditioning with dogs, to study the formation and extinction of phobias.

What are goals learned through classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, goals are not specifically learned, but rather associations between stimuli are formed. Through classical conditioning, individuals learn to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a meaningful stimulus (like food), which can lead to a learned response (like salivation). This type of learning can influence behavior and emotional responses.

Why is the classical conditioning interesting to you?

Classical conditioning is interesting to me because it helps explain how our behaviors can be influenced by our experiences and the environment. It demonstrates the power of associations in shaping our responses to stimuli, which has implications for understanding behavior, learning, and even therapy techniques. Additionally, classical conditioning has practical applications in areas such as education, marketing, and addiction treatment.

Was pavlov researching classical conditioning at the time of its discovery?

Yes, Ivan Pavlov was researching classical conditioning at the time of its discovery. His famous experiment with dogs, where he conditioned them to salivate at the sound of a bell, led to the development of classical conditioning as a psychological concept.

Related questions

In Pavlov's experiment with dogs in which he demonstrated classical conditioning, what term was used to indicate the dog's salivation when the meat powder was placed on its tongue?

unconditioned response

In Pavlov's experiment with dogs in which he demonstrated classical conditioning, what was the bell's ring called after being paired with the meat powder so that it now produced salivation?

conditioned stimulus

What is the question in experiment of pavlov's?

Pavlov's experiment was about classical conditioning.Can you train a dog to react to a stimulus such as a bell... even on a fundamental level, such as evoking salivation and the expectation of food even without the presence of food.B.F. Skinner took the experiments in classical conditioning further.

What was the bell ringing called after being paired with the meat powder so that it now produced salivation in Pavlov's experiment with dogs in which he demonstrated classical conditioning?

The bell ringing is called a conditioned stimulus, while the meat powder is an unconditioned stimulus. The process by which the dogs learned to salivate in response to the bell alone is known as classical conditioning.

Is salivation a conditioned stimulus?

Salivation is a natural response to the presence of food (unconditioned stimulus) and is not typically considered a conditioned stimulus. However, in a classical conditioning context, salivation can become a conditioned response if it is consistently paired with a neutral stimulus (like a bell) that initially elicits no salivation, but comes to do so after repeated pairings with the food.

Did John Watson study salivation in dogs in order to examine the concept of habituation?

Yes, John Watson studied salivation in dogs to examine the concept of habituation. In his famous experiment, Watson conditioned a fear response in a young boy known as "Little Albert" using a similar method to Pavlov's classical conditioning with dogs, to study the formation and extinction of phobias.

What are goals learned through classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, goals are not specifically learned, but rather associations between stimuli are formed. Through classical conditioning, individuals learn to associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a meaningful stimulus (like food), which can lead to a learned response (like salivation). This type of learning can influence behavior and emotional responses.

Why is the classical conditioning interesting to you?

Classical conditioning is interesting to me because it helps explain how our behaviors can be influenced by our experiences and the environment. It demonstrates the power of associations in shaping our responses to stimuli, which has implications for understanding behavior, learning, and even therapy techniques. Additionally, classical conditioning has practical applications in areas such as education, marketing, and addiction treatment.

Was pavlov researching classical conditioning at the time of its discovery?

Yes, Ivan Pavlov was researching classical conditioning at the time of its discovery. His famous experiment with dogs, where he conditioned them to salivate at the sound of a bell, led to the development of classical conditioning as a psychological concept.

Who first identified the form of learning called classical conditioning?

The form of learning called classical conditioning was first identified by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in the late 19th century. Pavlov discovered this type of associative learning when studying the salivary responses of dogs to different stimuli.

The researcher most closely associated with the study of classical conditioning is?

Ivan Pavlov is the researcher most closely associated with the study of classical conditioning. He is known for his experiments using dogs to demonstrate how pairing a neutral stimulus (such as a bell) with an unconditioned stimulus (such as food) can lead to a learned response (salivation) to the neutral stimulus alone.

What is a common name for Pavlovian conditioning?

Classical conditioning.