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wats up. this is Jason and Justin from trask middle and Eaton elementary. you cant stop me baby in dj hero. if you think u can your a stupid reject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Why is Tiktaalik a landmark event in vertebrate history?
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a landmark event

Why was the evolution of jaws an important event in vertebrate history?

The evolution of jaws is believed to be used originally for respiratory purposes. However, it is important to the history of vertebrates mainly because it allowed for more efficient eating.

How do you use the word land mark in a sentence?

landmark = mark or indicator. The church steeple was a well known landmark in our town. landmark = boundary marker. The landmark which separated the two states has been removed. landmark = turning point, historic event. The ruling was hailed as a landmark by the activists.

How do you spell mamorial?

The correct spelling is "memorial" (event or landmark done as a dedication or honor).

What event marked the end of paleozic period?

The end of the Paleozoic era was marked by the Permian extinction event, also known as the Great Dying, which occurred around 252 million years ago. It was the most severe extinction event in Earth's history, leading to the extinction of about 90% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species.

What is a Seminole event?

A peak experience in some way, a highlight of importance, landmark, benchmark, memorable.

What word is a synonym for the word landmark?

There are several synonyms for the word 'landmark': noun: marker, familiar sight, sight, attraction, sign, or pointer. adjective: milestone, breakthrough, revolutionary, or innovative. Hope this helps!

What is the most important event in history of nz?

what is the most important event in history of N.Z?

What is the definition of a cultural landmark?

A landmark is an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance. It could also be an event, discovery, or change marking an important stage or turning point in something.

What is the most important event of all history?

The most important event in all history is the coming of Jesus Christ.

Which landmark space event took place in April 1981?

The landmark space event that took place in April 1981 was the launch of the first Space Shuttle mission, STS-1, by NASA. The Space Shuttle Columbia carried astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen on this historic mission.

Does history mean origin?

History can me seen as aaggreate of past event (Improved) History is defined as "Past event's." Where as Origin is defined as "Place of beginning", or where the event/product/idea/person/place/thing -Originated- from.