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To cover their shame.

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Q: Why did Adam and Eve make aprons out fig leaves?
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What is the name of the leaf that Adam and Eve used for clothing?

fig leaves was used by Adam and eve as clothing when they discovered they were naked

Did God sew fig leaves for Adam and Eve?

No. they made them themselves.

Did GOD foreordain Adam and Eve's disobedience?

God did not make/hope/cause Adam & Eve to sin; it was there own free will.

Why did God put Adam to sleep to make eve?

Adam was put to a deep sleep as god took his rib to create Eve.

What part of Adam was taken to make Eve?

A rib.

When Adam said that Eve came from him. why did he say it was from his flesh?

Because Jehovah (God) took ribs and flesh from Adam and used it to make Eve.

What was the first invention made?

I would say clothing -Biblically speaking Adam and Eve wearing leaves.

Where did came from Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

Who first found out how to make a baby?

Adam and Eve. god taught eve in her dreams (i think)

Why did God make it possible for Adam and eve to do wrong?

To have free-will.

What is it that is included with the Adam and Eve costumes?

The Adam and Eve costume includes 2 flesh colored jumpsuits (one for him and one for her) with leaves covering the appropriate places on both. The costume also includes 2 leaf headpieces.

What is the name of a video about Adam and Eve?

There are three movies that deal directly with Adam and Eve; they are The Bible: In The Beginning, The Sin of Adam And Eve and The Creation: Adam And Eve. There are several movies that have excerpts of the story of Adam and Eve but they are only reference points.