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They are extinct.

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Q: Where does a protostega live?
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Where was the protosgega gigas found?

Protostega gigas is an extinct species of marine turtle. It was first discovered in the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas in 1871

What ate the ancient ancestor of a sea turtle?

I guess you mean what ate the Archelon... Although there is also and older relative called the Protostega gigaswhich is much older and is also smaller. Although something of that size would rarely have many predators it would be much the same as it is today with larger predators that were designed to bite, tear, and rip pieces of their prey for swollowing being the only viable predators.Archelon's main suspected predators were the large sharks and the mosasaur of that era. Then again this is all speculative since no one was around to witness this and we have not found conclusive evidence in fossils, at least not in any of the reports I have read to date. Remember that his "shell" was flattened ribs and unlike the turtles today it was not solid but had thick leather plates between these flattened ribs.Much the same story for the Protostega with large predatory animals of that era being the main enemy. It should be noted that shark teeth are embedded in Protostega bones housed at a museum in Chicago.

What dinosaur lives in the ocean?

No dinosaurs live in the ocean. Here is a list of prehistoric sea creatures: 1. Cretoxyrhina 2. Caproberyx 3. Dolichorhynchops 4. Enchodus 5. Gillicus 6. Hesperornis 7. Kronosaurus 8. Liopleurodon 9. Megalodon (Biggest shark of all time. As long as 6 cars) 10. Mosasaur 11. Nothosaur 12. Platecarpus 13. Plesiosaur 14. Protostega (Ancestor of all sea turtles) 15. Styxosaurus 16. Temnodontosaurus 17. Tylosaur 18. Bananogmius 19. Basilosaurus 20. Elasmosaurus 21. Leptocodon 22. Baculite 23. Tusoteuthis 24. Cretoxyrhina 25. Squalicorax 26. Xiphactinus

When was Live Live Live Extra created?

Live Live Live Extra was created on 1995-12-31.

Where did Dr. Seuss currently live?

He did not live in a box, He did not live with a fox, He did not live on a train, He did not live in Ukraine, He did not live here nor there, He did not live anywhere!

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Live A Live happened in 1994.

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I live in a house. I live in the city of _____. I live at the Winchester Arms Apartments.

When was ...Live.... created?

Live Live Live was created in 1985.

What is the difference between live in live on and live at?

You live in a home. You live on a street. You live at an address. They all essentially describe where you live, but the "in, on,at" is used to specify which location you are conveying.

Does Ecuador have orangutans?

No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.No. They live in Borneo and Sumatra.

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where do you live? I live in Colombo