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Actually you cannot talk about common things in fossil fuel and petroleum.This things at the point that petroleum is a fossil fuel.

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They are harmful to the environment.

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Q: What is true about all fossils fuels?
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What statement about fossils fuels is not true?

Fossil fuels are clean burning and will not be bad for the environment. We will never run out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are good for our health. These are a few that are not true about fossil fuels.

What element are all fossils fuels made up of?

This element is carbon.

What are some slogans about fossil fuels?

Bury Fossils get Fuels

Fossils can only be produced from animals that have hard skeletons true or false?

Fossils are produced by a combination of heat pressure in the earth crust. Prehistoric plants and animals created fossil fuels.

What did fossils fuels get their energy from?

The sun.

Are natural gases fossils fuels?


Why fossils fuels are called non renewable form of energy?

Fossils fuels are called non renewable because we consume them faster then they can replaced naturally

Why are fossil fuels called Fossil fuels if there is no fossils?

theyre made out of dead stuff

Which fossils fuels are going to run out first?

the answer is coal

Are fossils fuels used in any foods?

umm... i dont think so or then we might all be dead from poisioning

Why petroleum and natural gas are known as fossils fuels?

petroleum and natural gas are none other than the decomposed forms of plants and animals that had been buried under the earth before millions of years.The decomposed forms from which fuels are obtained are termed fossils and therefore the fuels obtained from the fossils(petroleum , natural gas etc) are termed fossil fuels

What are fossle fuels?

fossil fuels are natural gasses that come from fossils. one fossil fuel is oil.