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There are various types of mummification. Preserving the body by dehydration was known as the "most perfect" method. First the brain is removed through the nose. The skull was then purified with drugs. The internal organs are then removed through an incision in the flank. The abdominal cavity is then cleaned and treated with palm wine, herbs, and spices. The body was then placed in natron for 70 days. This completely dehydrated the body before it was wrapped in linen bandages.

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Q: What is the process of mumification?
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When was mumification developed?

2,600 B.C is when mumification was developed

How long did the mumification process take?

The mummification process takes forty days. Unless you are mummifying an apple in Salt and Vinegar. Then it only take 21 days.

Why didn't the Egyptians take out the heart while in the process of mumification?

because they thought it was the center of all life and would need it in the afterlife

How were Egyptians buried?

The more whealthy Egyptians could efford to be mummified. The mumification process took more than 70 days.

How did mumification start?

With a dead body.

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Why was the mummafacation process created?

The mumification process was created by ancient Egyptians to preserve the bodies of the deceased for the afterlife. They believed that the soul needed the body to inhabit in the afterlife, so mummification helped ensure the preservation of the body.

What was an Egyptian Canopic Jar used for?

They were used during the mumification process to store and preserve the internal organs of the deceased organ is guarded by a funeral God accompanied by a goddess

Why did they go mumification?

they did it for people dont say anything