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You could argue that the sun has provided all the energy for the organic materials that coal consists of. Or even the compression and heat that coal suffered from during its formation ( As a spring that becomes compressed gaining potential energy )

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THE ANSWER IS fosill fuel!

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Q: What is the original source of energy biomass or fossil fuels?
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What is the original source of biomass and fossil fuels?

The Sun.

Why are fossil fuel and biomass useful as source of energy?

They both burn easily with lots of heat.

What is the original source of biomass and fossill fuel energy?

The original source of biomass energy is organic matter derived from plants and animals that have absorbed sunlight through photosynthesis. Fossil fuel energy originates from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago and have undergone geological processes like heat and pressure to become coal, oil, and natural gas.

Why is biomass becoming more important?

Since this world's fossil fuel supply is getting lower, people need to find alternative forms of energy to continue producing electricity. Since biomass is an alternative energy source, its importance is growing in place of fossil fuels.

"Biomass is the future fuel"?

Biomass has many benefits, the primary one being that it cannot be depleted like fossil fuels. ... With an abundance of plants on Earth, biomass could be a primary source of renewable energy that's used as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels

Is biomass a fossil fuel or alternative energy?

Biomass is considered an alternative energy source, as it comes from recently living organisms. It is a renewable resource that can be used to produce power, heat, and fuel. Unlike fossil fuels, biomass does not involve the combustion of ancient organic matter and does not contribute to the release of carbon dioxide stored underground.

Which one is not conventional source of energy?

Any energy source that is obtained from animal or plant matter, excluding fossilised material, is considered biomass energy. So, anything that's not that, including oil, coal, gas, and nuclear energy.

Why is the sun considered to be original source of most energy resources?

The sun is considered the original source of most energy resources because it provides the primary energy input for processes like photosynthesis, which creates biomass, and drives wind and ocean currents that can be harnessed for energy. Fossil fuels also derive their energy from the sun, as they are formed from organic matter that originally received energy from sunlight.

Why is biomass the energy source?

because it is

How is biomass a source of energy?

organic matter in it

Organic matter that can be a source of energy?

Organic matter such as plants, animals, and their byproducts can be a source of energy through processes like combustion (burning for heat or power generation) or decomposition (producing biogas or biofuels). This organic material contains stored energy from the sun, which can be released through various conversion methods to provide heat, electricity, or transportation fuels.

What is the source of biomass energy?

the sources of biomass energy are garbage, wood, waste, landfill gases, and alcohol fuels.