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Natural gas.

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Q: What is one type of fossil fuel?
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What is a kind of fossil fuel?

coal is a type of fossil fuel hahahhah i think

What type of fuel is coal?

Coal is a fossil fuel.

What type of fuel is coal and oil?


IS IGNEOUS a type of rock for fossil fuel?


Is whale oil a type of fossil fuel?

It is not.

What is keroseen?

Keroseen is a type of fossil fuel

Schools that are heated with a natural gas furnaces use a type of fuel that is classified as a?

non renewable fossil fuel

Is cattle fossil fuel?

Cattle are animals. Coal is an example of one fossil fuel.

Is petroleum a type of fossil fuel?

Petroleum is one of three most common fossil fuels. Oil Coal Petroleum

This type of fossil fuel can be simplified to gasoline to fuel cars?

Crude oil.

What type of fuel is crude oil?

fossil fuek

What type of rock is used as fuel?

im not sure this is rock,but fossil fuel is used as fuel,or coal.