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Crude Oil.

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Q: What is oil called before it is has been refined?
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What is oil called before its been refined?

Crude oil. and this comes in different grades.

What is oil called before it is cleaned?

If you mean refined, then it's crude oil

Where is oil stored before getting refined?

In large tanks that have been filled up by an oil tanker or by pipeline depending on the distance that the oil was drilled from; from shore.

Why is oil known as crude oil?

Oil is known as crude oil because it is in its natural state, unrefined and raw. It typically contains impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen, and metals, which need to be removed through a refining process to produce usable products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

What is the very thick liquid called which is found deep underground and is refined before use?

The very thick liquid found deep underground is called crude oil. It is refined to produce various petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

What word is the opposite word crude?

Refined .A bit more:Refined could apply to oil and people. Crude oil is oil as it is pumped from the ground, before it's refined and made into gasoline, etc. Crude people are those who are not "refined", as in lacking a certain type of class.

What is organic oils?

It is unrefined, unfiltered and without any additives. Sometimes, it is called "pure coconut oil" to mark its difference from the refined, bleached, deodorized coconut oil, commonly called " refined coconut oil". Virgin coconut oil, organic coconut oil, and the organic virgin coconut oil can be unrefined

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Why must oil be refined before it it used?

Oil must be refined before use to remove impurities such as sulfur, sediment, and other contaminants. Refining also separates the oil into different products, like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, which have specific purposes and properties. Refining improves the quality and performance of the oil for various applications.

Is unrefined oil better than refined oil for cooking?

if its vegetable oil probably refined Try crude petroleum oil.

Is gasoline a cultivated resource?

Gasoline is a man-made fuel that has been refined from crude oil.