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Q: What forms of living things characterized the Cambrian period?
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What is the difference between living and nonliving things?

Living things have the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis, while nonliving things lack these characteristics. Living things also require energy to carry out their life processes, while nonliving things do not.

Where did living things start to live in the Silurian Period?

On land

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What is true of living things?

Living things are characterized by their ability to grow, reproduce, respond to their environment, maintain homeostasis, and adapt to changes. They also require energy to carry out these functions and are composed of cells.

Distinguish between living and non living things by describing the features that characterized living things?

# High Degree of Organization and Development # Growth # Irritability and Movement # Adaptation to the Environment # Can Reproduce their OWN KIND # Get Energy from the Raw Materials in the Surroundings # Can't develop# Can be a help to living things # It can support living things like a birds nest or become a hobby like cellphones, PlayStation, of even toys

What are the characteristics shared by living things?

Living things are characterized by the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, maintain homeostasis, and utilize energy. They are made up of cells, exhibit organization at a structural level, and evolve over time. Living organisms also have the capacity to adapt to their environment.

How is a fungus a living thing?

A mushroom is a type of fungus and belongs to the Fungi Kingdom. A mushroom uses energy, reproduces, grows/develops, and is composed of cells. All living things are characterized by the previous.

What period is characterized by calcium ions release into cytosol and depolarization of the sarcolemma and T tubules?

This period is known as the excitation-contraction coupling phase of muscle contraction. It involves the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol, leading to the depolarization of the sarcolemma and T-tubules, ultimately triggering muscle contraction.

What are some common things people do for a living in this time period of complex civilization?

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What denotes a living thing?

Living things are characterized by traits such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, response to stimuli, and the ability to adapt to their environment. They also require energy and nutrients to survive, and typically exhibit organization on a cellular level.

Describe the characteristics of something living?

Living things are characterized by the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis. They also require energy in the form of food or sunlight to carry out their life processes. Additionally, living organisms have the capacity to adapt and evolve over time.