Set had a head resembling a dog. Set's particular creature was not a real animal, but a mythological creature that had some dog-like characteristics called the "Set-animal."
There are lots of them: some in the sea, some in caves, some on mountain tops ...
Yes. Some alien races have mythical creature characteristics (i.e. vampires, satyrs, centaurs, harpies, cyclopses, elves, etc.).
Well a scientist is looking for a mythical creature like a mermaid or fairy etc. So there just looking for proof. (I hope they find some) :p
Roman Mythological CreaturesHippocampus - is a creature that is half-horse and half-fishUnicorn - is a creature that is a horse with a long twisted hornCentaurs - is a creature that is half man and half horseSirens - is a creature that is half woman and half birdCerberus - is a creature that is a three head dog which has a snake's tailDryads -- tree spiritsFuries -- three female like bird creatures with snakes for hairHarpy - is a winged monster like creature, with the face of woman, and has the body of vultureMinotaur - is a creature that is half bull and half manKeres - 'Hounds of Hades' brought back evil doers for punishment.Fauns or Satyrs - is a creature that is half man and half goatSphinx - is a female creature that has the voice of a human, the head and torso of a woman, the paws of a lion, the body of a dog, a snake like tail and the wings of a bird
Ah, being witches, perhaps? But to be more specific: causing disease; causing miscarriage; consorting with the Christian mythological creature known as Satan, Lucifer or the Devil etc.
There is nothing "conventional" about this creature, even for mythological beasts. It does not show up on any search of mythology or cryptid data bases. If you invented it, it is up to you to name it.
mount Olympus
Artemis and Apollo
Cerberus (The three-headed dog, that guarded the gates of the underworld)[Lernaean] Hydra (A serpent-like creature with many heads)Minotaur (A beast with the body of a human and the head of a bull)tymphalian birds (Birds that feed on humans)
Kraken and maybe the loch ness monster
There's no such thing as a phoenix. If there were, it certainly wouldn't be able to interbreed with a lion.If you're asking for a mythological creature, I've never heard of that particular combination. A griffon is part eagle (or hawk, or some other bird of prey) and part lion, if that helps.