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Cheetahs, buzzards, jackles, Gazelles, wild pegs, lynxes and foxes...etc...

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Q: What animals lived in ancient Persia?
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How did people in ancient Persia live?

Life in Ancient Persia The life in ancient Persia was pretty hard an stinky. People lived in houses made from sundried bricks. Then there were animals in the house, but not guineapigs but cows and horses. Then you had 2/3 levels in the house. Level 1 was for the animals, 2nd leves was for all the kids , and the 3rd floor was for the dad and mum. The dad was always the boss in home. And If the dad died the guard would be the boss. If they had no guard they became from the government.

Where did animals lived in ancient Egypt?


Which animals lived in ancient Greece?

goats,birds and dogs.

What animals lived in the ancient Egyptian Nile?

There were mostly hippos that lived in the Nile, but some fish and crocodiles lived there too.

Ancient Persia is known today as Afghanistan?

Ancient Persia would now be Iran.

Which wild animals lived in ancient China?

lepard, advark and shillonimasons.

What was the word for a governor in ancient Persia?

A governor of a province in ancient Persia was known as a satrap.

Where Cyrus the Great lived?

He lived in the Middle East, Persia.

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What animals lived in ancient times in the Alps?

Some animals that lived in the Alps in ancient times include cave bears, mammoths, woolly rhinoceros, ibex, and wolves. These animals were well-adapted to the cold climate and mountainous terrain of the region. Excavations and fossil findings have provided insights into the fauna that once inhabited the Alps.

How was life in ancient Persia?


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