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Little foot was Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus. You can also call Apatosaurus Brontosaurus.

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13y ago

Little foot is a boy.

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Q: Is little foot the dinosaur a girl?
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Is lesothosaturas a dinosaur?

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Is little foot from land before time a boy or girl?

Little Foot is male character , but is voice by a female actress.

How do you make dinosaur tracks?

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What is the meaning of sauropod dinosaur?

Sauropod translates as "lizard foot."

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How do you make dinosaur foot printes?

1. Find a picture of a dinosaur foot. 2. Draw and cut it out. (on a piece of cardboard). 3. Tape or strap it to your foot. 4. Place foot in the mud. 5. Make some plaster of Paris. 6. Pour the plaster in the hole you made with the foot. 7. Wait for it to set. 8. Take the plaster foot out.

What genre is the book Danny the Dinosaur?

The book Danny the Dinosaur's genre is supposedly funny and for little children