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The inference is that both continents were once one single land-mass.

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Q: If fossils of the same land animal are on different continents what do you Infer?
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How can index fossils help us figure out how the continents used to be arranged?

Index fossils are used to correlate rocks of similar age in different locations. By studying index fossils found in rock layers from different continents, scientists can determine which layers are of similar age and potentially infer how these continents were once connected. This information helps in reconstructing past continental configurations, such as during the time of Pangea.

What can paleontologist infer from fossils?

the past.

Have found fossils on the top of mountains what do they infer?

Large plate tectonics or the fossils had wings.

How did you use the types of rock as a guide in moving the continents?

Scientists used the types of rock found on different continents, specifically matching rock formations and fossils, to support the theory of plate tectonics. By observing similarities in rock types and structures across continents separated by vast oceans, they were able to infer that the continents were once connected and moved apart over hundreds of millions of years. This helped them understand the movement of the continents and the process of continental drift.

What can fossils tell us about the movement of the plates in the past?

Fossils can provide information on the distribution of ancient species across different continents, which helps in reconstructing past continental positions. By comparing the similarities and differences in fossil species found on separate continents, scientists can infer the movement and interaction of tectonic plates in the past. Fossils can also reveal how environmental changes associated with plate movements influenced the evolution and distribution of species over time.

What is the missing word from this sentence studying you infer how Pangaea split into continents?

The missing word is "can." The complete sentence is: "Studying you can infer how Pangaea split into continents."

What can a scientist infer by looking at fossils footprints?

what type of dinosaur it is and its weight

What can you you look at to infer an animal's diet?

Their teeth.

What are two kinds of information that scientists attempt to infer from the study of fossils?

Relative age of the rocks and the Paleo environment.

How do scientist know that all of the continents were once joined together?

Scientists use evidence such as matching geological formations, fossils, and remnants of ancient climates found on separate continents to support the theory of plate tectonics. By analyzing these pieces of evidence, scientists can infer that the continents were once part of a single supercontinent called Pangaea.

What can you infer about the area where you find a pecten fossil?

Pecten fossils are mostly found on the east coast of the United States.

How does fossils show evidence of the changing surface and climate on the earth?

Fossils provide evidence of past life forms that existed in different environments and climates. By studying the types and distribution of fossils, scientists can infer how the Earth's surface and climate have changed over time. For example, fossils of tropical plants found in polar regions suggest a much warmer climate in the past.