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i read on the mytriop website that all you have to do is soak some dead leaves or hay in a pond, another tank or aquarium or some rain water so it soaks up all the algal and protozoan cysts and leave it soak for a few hours (i let mine set for a day or 2 then dry it out with the sun) one that has done break up/crumble ur dry, dead plant matter and if you want yoou can put in tea bags or leave it normally and put in a jar of water that is exposed to sunlight and let the water sit for a few days then add your jar contents (including the bag) into your triop tank along with 0.5L of distilled,pure or rain water and hopefully it should work.

See the Related Links for a video on how to make detritus.

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Q: How do you make detritus for your triops?
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