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You cannot pass the satyrs with the reed pipe. Go to the Tree of Immortality (left of main street) and get the Golden Apple to begin your quest.

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Q: How do you get past the satyrs with the pipe on Mythology Island?
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What is a satyrs' attributes?

In mythology they are often associated with pipe playing, so I guess that would be a pipe.

How do you get past the troll on Mythology Island?

The satyrs at the bridge (left) and Grove of Temples (right) prevent you from entering these areas until you know what you are looking for. Once you have the reed pipe from the Temple of Muses, and the starfish from the Museum of Olympus, you have done all you can do until you pass the Tree of Immortality, and have the scroll from Zeus

What colors do you have to play on the reed pipe on mythology island?

bhymyu vn

What info tells about the pipe on Mythology Island?

It is found in the Temple of Muses and

Where do you get the whisker on poptropica in mythology island?

You blow tune on reed pipe

What do you do after you get the pipe an learn the song on mythology island?

go to the underworld and play it on the dogs

Where is the lady with a pipe in mythology island?

In the middle-upper-right of Apollo's temple.

How do you pass the saytr on Mythology Island?

The satyrs at the bridge (left) and Grove of Temples (right) prevent you from entering these areas until you know what you are looking for. Once you have the reed pipe from the Temple of Muses, and the starfish from the Museum of Olympus, you have done all you can do until you pass the Tree of Immortality, and have the scroll from Zeus.

How do you get an errand to pass the satyrs on Mythology Island?

Climb the Tree of Immortality (use the bouncy mushrooms) and talk to the satyr at upper right. If you can recover his lost honey, he will help you get the Golden Apple. When you do, Zeus appears and offers you immortality if you return 5 sacred items that are scattered around the island.

How do you play a song on potropica Mythology Island?

You click on the colors around the reed pipe you get from Apollos temple

How do you make ceberus fall asleep on mythology island poptropica?

Play the song the muse gave you on the pipe.

How do you remove the rock on mythology island?

To remove the rock on Mythology Island in Poptropica, you need to solve the puzzles in the Minotaur's Labyrinth and obtain the Reed Pipe from Pan's Flute in the forest. Once you have the Reed Pipe, play the correct tunes on it to charm the snakes guarding the rock, which will then move away.