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After Zeus has stolen the 5 sacred items the next time you ask him he will help you.

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Q: How do you get Hercules to help on poptrpica?
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You don't push It you get Hercules to push it

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sheesh 2 easy all you have to do is get the 5 sacred items then Zeus takes them Athena tells you about that only posiedon and hades can beat Zeus and bla la bla ask Hercules to help you click tghe skull thing then Hercules will push the rock its that easy

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You have to get the mirror from Aphrodite after you beat the Hydra and Cerberus. After, Hercules will help you.

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Hercules! You have to have him help you move the rock. :)

How did Hercules receive help?

At the almost end of the island Zeus will steel all of the sacred items then you tell Hercules that and he will help you.

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Hercules wont listen till Zeus steals all of the items when he does you go to Hercules and then he'll help you.

How do you move the rock at the door on poptropica?

Get all the items and bring them to Athena. She will tell you that Hercules will help you and then Hercules will help you push the rock.

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