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in some parts it does and some it does not it all depends

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Q: Does Africa have petroleum
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Where is petroleum richest in Africa?

Nigeria is Africa's biggest oil producer

Does south Africa have untapped petroleum reserves?


This African country has considerable petroleum reserves?

Nigeria has the most significant petroleum reserves in Africa.

What country has the 2nd largest petroleum reserves?

Madagascar has the second largest petroleum factories in Africa

Who manages Africa's petroleum industry?

foreign nations

List of Petroleum producing countries in Africa?


Petroleum is the major mineral export from this sub saharan Africa?


Where is petroleum located?

the middle east, mainly saudia arabia,the U.S, and africa

What are the primary export destinations for the petroleum produced in the North Africa and Southwest Asia?


Do the universities in South Africa offer petroleum engineering?

Yes. Wits University as of 2013

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What country in east Africa isn't a major oil producer?

Most countries in East Africa do not produce petroleum. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and numerous other East African nations do not produce large quantities of petroleum.